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Author Topic: Asus Geforce 2mx twin and other Stuff  (Read 8764 times)


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Asus Geforce 2mx twin and other Stuff
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:49:32 AM »

You are pro Mono vs Duals. I have a MDD Dual 866 with 2 gigs installed of Kingstom DDR-400, Asus Gforce 2MX Twin (Only VGA output) with an Audiomedia III.

I will try to mimic your install and make your tests on my machine if that could help anyway. It could also compare CPU, Dual vs Mono and bandwith as my bus will run 133 and my mem 266.

dont look now but diehard now has a dual 1.25 MDD :)

Asus Geforce 2mx twin? pc card? flashed to mac?

AudioMedia III.. that ancient card from 1996 ? ? and u tell me to stop playing with bad quality sound cards (Delta 410/1010LT) hehehe
this card is supported on windows 3.1 with cubase "Audio" DAE ;)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 11:36:32 AM by DieHard »


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Re: Mac OS 9.2.2 Maximum RAM and Real world observations
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2014, 10:50:37 AM »

Asus Geforce 2mx twin? pc card? flashed to mac?
Seems that the new G4 Firmware 4.1.8 lets some GeForce 2 MX cards work WITH OUT flashing them, BUT only a few low resolutions in OS X

Mine is VGA and SVideo output dual head, but SVideo do not work (Gives white empty screen)

AM-III sounds really good for been a 18bit AD/DA. If you have any better AD/DA than AM-3, just use the SPDIF to have a 24bit system (supported thru SPDIF). Its nubus counterback, the AM2 is clammed as the best nubus soundcard elsewhere. Digital Performed used Audiomedia cards before MOTU ones (?) . The DAE desk as you said work even on win 3.1, 9x, Me, Xp and W7. MacOS, OSX (Jaguar to Leopard with right CoreAudio drivers). It is not as universal as AP2496 but it is really supported by most software here. For me it is better than M-Audio cards just because it opens Protools LE.  ;D

Back to topic.
Wait... Maybe we can use it as a RAM Disk ?


That would be great, but RAM disks using unused memory is a wound than never heals... We dream with it but it seems it would never happen. The interesting thing is that OS9 recognizes to have the 2 gigs of ram, but cant get more than 1.5 (or 1.51) for MacOS or apps. We have to dig deeper on it.
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Mac OS 9.2.2 Maximum RAM and Real world observations
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2014, 01:03:23 PM »

Asus Geforce 2mx twin? pc card? flashed to mac?
this card? but its nto dual vga its dvi/vga...
do u mean to say that the dvi only works with dvi-vga adapter?

the first version of cubase with audio recording on windows PC used audio media cards aswell. which must have been the audio Media II card because the III wasnt out yet.. (III released in 1996, cubase audio released in 93 or 94)


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Re: Mac OS 9.2.2 Maximum RAM and Real world observations
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2014, 01:19:27 PM »

< The Patriot >

Quote from: Cornwallis
In dreams.

< /The Patriot >

jt ;)
jt - old school vector graphics type - Sound/VidCap n00b.


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Re: Mac OS 9.2.2 Maximum RAM and Real world observations
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2014, 03:15:25 PM »
this card? but its nto dual vga its dvi/vga...
do u mean to say that the dvi only works with dvi-vga adapter?

Mine is VGA + SuperVideo (Svideo), not DVI. On a PC is Dual Head. On Mac only VGA, Maybe with other firmware it could work, but after 10 years using only ATI Rage 128 on PowerMacs, that Geforce2MX is a paramount, I do not want to fuck it with incorrect firmware.

the first version of cubase with audio recording on windows PC used audio media cards aswell. which must have been the audio Media II card because the III wasnt out yet.. (III released in 1996, cubase audio released in 93 or 94)
Audiomedia II was nubus only, so It could not be PC. AMIII was one of the first PC/Mac double life card

The Mac Os 9 can address up to 4GB of memory. But due to memory map structure, up to 1.5 GB can be RAM, the remaining can be ROM or what ever. This 1.5 GB limit could be enough at its time ... but now a days...
If More than 1.5 GB of RAM is present in the machine, only 1.5 is usable as RAM, the remaining appears as used by the Mac Os, who knows in which way ... LOL

ROM in RAM? How to make the G4 "feel" the RAM as ROM? Finder and other could take advantage of the 0.5 gig RAM left if we told the system to behave that as ROM? You all are joking or talking seriously?

Please folks, back to topic
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Mac OS 9.2.2 Maximum RAM and Real world observations
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2014, 12:29:14 AM »

yes u are right  ;D the nubus audiomedia II was responsible for the first cubase Audio version on mac platform ( .. on atari it was the yamaha cbx scsi midi hard disk recorder package which i read tonight was used on mac aswell but for digital performer, not cubase

would be such a kick to have a nubus mac!!! i think id be all over that if i could find one with an AMII or Pro Tools TDM nubus



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Re: Mac OS 9.2.2 Maximum RAM and Real world observations
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2014, 09:30:43 AM »

Keep an eye on eBay, cards aren't all that scarce, but they're pricey. It's the breakout box that's impossible to find, but I wouldn't be surprised if you had that for an early PCI version.

My DA playtime is in Sound Tools on DigiDesign's Sound Accelerator II. I used it to wring stereo out of the DuoDock, which had left and right channels fused into mono. The only editing I did then was a left/right/left/right track test file. I've also got PAS16 for NuBus and LC PDS.

That second link is for those with interests in the very beginnings of DA tools for the Mac.

Back on topic: Do we still have a topic?

There's precedent for gaining access to that disappearing half Meg of RAM. Connectix developed Compact Virtual to get around such ROM based memory addressing limitations.  At the dawn time NuBus architecture PMMU operations were moved on die for the 68030 and Accelerators for the 4MB limited 68000 Compacts became available. Some were equipped RAM SIMM slots implementing Silicon Disk/Virtual Memory capabilities up to 8x the MoBo's 4 on the floor.

The effort needed to develop such capabilities for the 33% increase available on the floor of the PowerMacs G4 under OS9 may or may not be a worthwhile endeavor. But doing it would certainly be cool as hell!

Back off topic:

Not sure how far back you folks and your interests go, I'm new here so I dunno. If such historical tidbits about DA in the dark ages are off base, let me know.
jt - old school vector graphics type - Sound/VidCap n00b.
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