I explained in my site
www.macos9lives.com that The famous MDD 1.25 and Dual 1.25 (2003 with FW400) are bootable Mac 9.2.2.
There are Several Ways to go about installing 9.2.2 on them; my initial method to create a purely OS 9 MDD without OS X whatsoever was
1) I used the original CDs (I believe the ISO images are on Macintosh Garden, If they are gone, let me know and I will Image them and upload them)... the original CDs will Install OS X and OS 9.2.2...
2) I then would reboot holding the Alt (option) key and boot directly to 9.2.2... NOT Classic Mode, Directly to 9.2.2
3) now the fun part.... I would take a cheap external FW drive from ebay (20 GB to 100 GB) and format it exclusively in OS 9 (via Drive Setup Utility) and copy the 3 fresh OS 9 Folders (System, Applications, & Documents) to the Root of the external drive and another full copy of all 3 folders to a folder called "OS 9 Fresh Install" that I created on the FW Drive
NOTE: DO NOT attempt to access the external FW drive via OS X or even Mount it... OS X will eventually write hidden info to the external Drive that OS 9 will not understand and you will eventually get all sorts of BTree errors when running OS 9 First aid on it, this is why I no longer create Dual Boot OS X and OS 9 G4s, having OS X (even on another partition) will eventually fuck something up... for those of you that have been running dual boot stuff for years... run a few OS 9 utilities (when booting directly to OS 9 and you will see that OS X will eventually create file system errors on the OS 9 partition when running these utilities...my suggestion is to simply have another machine if you want OS X and share data via ethernet of flash drive (Formatted fat 32); but please don't poison the FW drive4) Reboot again with alt key and choose to boot to the FW drive, run the disk utility and wipe out the internal HD (if it is bigger that 190GB) create several 190GB partitions as that is the max limit that will repair and defrag correctly later... I have used 500GB Drives on the ATA/100 IDE Bus with no issues whatsoever
5) Now (without re-booting), drag the 3 folders (System,Applications, & Documents) from the FW "OS 9 Fresh Install" to the root of the freshly partitioned internal HD and you now have a pure OS 9 G4
6) Reboot with alt and pick the internal Hard drive
Notes: the external FireWire HD can be used to re-install at anytime you want and you will never need the MDD CDs again (unless your FW drive dies), also it is a good idea to to create a "Library" partition and make yet another copy of the "Fresh OS 9 Install" folder and any other software installs you want to save; you can drag the System folder (with a copy of Norton 6.0.3 defrag and disk first aid) to other partitions so that you can perform repairs and maintenance on you boot volume by temporarily booting to another internal volume; I strongly recommend a FW400 hard drive as USB is out of the question (due to the USB 1.1 OS 9 software limitation it would be too slow)
I have installed OS 9.2.2 in about 5 minutes to other G4s.... Powerbook G4s, Cubes, DAs and quicksilvers using the OS 9 Fresh install created from a MDD 2003 1.25 and had no issues, even if the QS or DA uses a different Video card you can simple go into the extensions manager and uncheck any un-needed hardware drivers... for example if you use this method to create a bootable QS G4 that has an nVidia graphics card, you simply uncheck all ATI references in the extensions manager
- Jerry