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Author Topic: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9  (Read 28259 times)


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VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« on: August 05, 2014, 09:29:19 AM »

I have got more DAWs than monitors/screens. I have in a 9m room 1 32" sansung LED HDMI with 2 HDMI ins, a 19" TFT with DVI/VGA and 2 17" AOC crt based monitors. I want to get rid of at least one of the 2 crt monitors to make more room.

I have been using VNC to remote controling the OS9 machines since a year and a half.
Get your inspiration on do not clear too much what is OS9 compatible.

Benefits of timbuktu over VNC?
just a quick update:

tried some vnc-viewer and server combinations. they were all laggy and unstable. tried kdx, the screen sharing is also not good. found timbuktu on macintosh garden and it works! great software, you can access the screen of your other macs in realtime! MUCH better than vnc imho.

Remote desktop a DAW for OS9 post. Anyone?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 02:46:23 PM by Protools5LEGuy »
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2014, 04:26:23 PM »

KDX is the most lightweight ... but probably does not compare to a full featured VNC, for example on an OS9 client it does not support the command key and doubleclick ... fine for you only if you are used to navigate with keyboard anway.
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2014, 06:40:40 PM »

exactly that. this adress is the last unofficial mirror where you can get this piece of discontinued software.

it has a dozen of other purposes, but it also controls anything "intranet" in my apartment and in the studio.

for rebooting additional computers and telling them to render a video or unstuff a big file it is sufficient.
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2014, 06:47:33 PM »

just put a copy of the server app in all machines you want to control remotely and make an alias into autostart.

to make it easier to keep overview, set different servers to different port numbers.

please do NEVER use the UNIX version of the OSX server in case you find that anywhere, it has a SERIOUS bug regarding symbolic links.

to be able to SEARCH FILES on the remote computer just put all HDs in the server root. then rebuild index once and the search is active.

you control anything in the serfver from the client.

and dont worry about its look and feel, you will LOVE the interface once you get used to it. i wish FINDER was like that! ;)
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2014, 07:00:03 PM »

and dont worry about its look and feel, you will LOVE the interface once you get used to it. i wish FINDER was like that! ;)
KDX is a powerful cross-platform BBS-style encrypted Internet communications system that provides messaging, news, file and folder transfer, voice chat (Internet Telephone), text chat, remote access, trackers, and more. It uses strong encryption to protect communications for security and privacy. It is useful for groups that need to collaborate on a project via the Internet. It is also very useful for remote administration of a computer. It uses a client/server architecture.

Using KDX, a guide
KDX appearances
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2014, 08:05:22 AM »

I'm wrong or this is just a Hotline client with a eyes damaging look ...
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2014, 09:14:35 AM »

I have never heard of this till IIO  said. I am not sure but it seems vnc is more of my likes. It worth trying. Every solution. That is the motive of my post. Remoting OS9 desktop. I want ti hear about other solutions.
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2014, 07:30:53 PM »

I'm wrong or this is just a Hotline client with a eyes damaging look ...

hotline is something different, starting with the protocols, because hotline was peer to peer. it had maybe 20% of the features of kdx. it didnt even have user and groups, so for serious workgroups stuff you could forget it. there are better ftp clients.

oh and the look ... is of course customizable. :)

in mac OS9 you start up the program and 0.1 seconds later you are connected to the server and all windows are open. perfect tool for unpatient people. :)
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2014, 08:15:36 AM »

hotline is something different, starting with the protocols,
May be... but may be only differences on the TCP/IP port used...

because hotline was peer to peer. it had maybe 20% of the features of kdx. it didnt even have user and groups, so for serious workgroups stuff you could forget it. there are better ftp clients.
in mac OS9 you start up the program and 0.1 seconds later you are connected to the server and all windows are open. perfect tool for unpatient people. :)
I can't find any differences in features between KDX an Hotline...

oh and the look ... is of course customizable. :)

Having in the Classic Mac Os the best windows ever made, I don't know whose idea was of using such aberrations...
I'm a fan of Hotline since its beginnings, and I've known this KDX long ago... but his aspect...  :'(
By the way, there is a MacOS9Lives user that have a big Hotline server, one of the biggest I've seen...

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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2014, 10:46:54 AM »

May be... but may be only differences on the TCP/IP port used...

it is totally different.

hotline is a p2p protocol and kdx not, hotline forces you to download the userlist and agreement before you log-in, kdx not, hotline does not have user and groups, hotline does not have encryption, hotline uses 2 ports where kdx uses one, hotline has a chat and kdx has voicechat, IRC, desktop remote and DCC in addition, hotline is single client and kdx is multiclient, in kdx you control the server by the client ... they have 3 things in common and there are 20 things where they differ.

fetch has more in common with the red hat stuff ...

I can't find any differences in features between KDX an Hotline...

well ...

Having in the Classic Mac Os the best windows ever made,


I don't know whose idea was of using such aberrations...

(sarkasm on) well another difference is that hotline was created by the CIA ... and KDX by little kids ... things have advantages and disadvantages ...

you are right, it looks like it looks because of the habit of certain people to create everything new from the ground up because that is their style. fun fact: steve jobs called him a pirate right after mentioning his app  - and that it does not have drag´n drop.
what an offense to apple! someone makes an app but without drop-to! lol! they are both talented nerds, but the kid managed to make steve jobs behave like a kid too in this moment. <3

actually i am not sure if apples windows are so perfect. when 8.5 came out i had a 7300 and were totalls pissed by the slowness of nav services. this KL concept of a idiosyncratic lean assembler app was meant as a statement, and i think it was one. we call it think for yourself ...

p.s. i have been using a pink-on-pink colorscheme for months, just to annoy myself.

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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2014, 12:07:02 PM »

I'm don't have a great interest on this topic. The main thing is to give a useful advice to Protools5LEGuy, and don't want to distract from the main goal.
... but just a few points  :P

hotline is a p2p protocol and kdx not,
May be this is not so clear...

hotline forces you to download the userlist and agreement before you log-in, kdx not, hotline does not have user and groups, hotline does not have encryption, hotline uses 2 ports where kdx uses one, hotline has a chat and kdx has voicechat, IRC, desktop remote and DCC in addition, hotline is single client and kdx is multiclient,
Only encryption is a real vantage.
in kdx you control the server by the client ...
Hotline work this way also.

fetch has more in common with the red hat stuff ...
Im not agree with this.

(sarkasm on) well another difference is that hotline was created by the CIA ...
This is a very interesting point, for sure... If this don't were a offtopic...  I'll ask you for more...

you are right, it looks like it looks because of the habit of certain people to create everything new from the ground up because that is their style.
Not at all, it is probably based on some windows and controls managers from Linux. Probably the ugly QT very used in the pseudo desktop KDE.

actually i am not sure if apples windows are so perfect. when 8.5 came out i had a 7300 and were totalls pissed by the slowness of nav services.
Well, I'm talking about Windows (Manager) not Navigations services, and even though Platinum windows are far slow than old System 7.x windows, they sharing the same concepts and are speedier and usefull than many other windows systems...
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 05:17:18 PM by MacTron »
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2014, 11:18:45 PM »

I'm don't have a great interest on this topic. The main thing is to give a useful advice to Protools5LEGuy, and don't want to distract from the main goal.
(sarkasm on) well another difference is that hotline was created by the CIA ... and KDX by little kids ... things have advantages and disadvantages ...

I started the post trying to compare VNC with Timbuktu and IIO appeared with the KDX thing. A third in disguise. The post AS A START is fine. But I am really enjoying your talk. You both, please keep chatting about Hotline/KDX differences.

The CIA is a MacOS9 developer?


Please keep posting. I enjoy it.

p.s. i have been using a pink-on-pink colorscheme for months, just to annoy myself.  Is any doctor treating you?   ;) ;D :D
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2014, 11:44:01 PM »

i dont mind the offtopic, but even when you stay ontopic you must confess that hotline does not have remote access. so hotline is offtopic. :D

and i would say that the question if proper user and groups functions or multiclient vs singleclient and these things are an advancement or not depends on your personal needs. in a bigger hotline network users need to open 10 copies of the client program, this is not very comfy.

one must not think that the use of these protocols is limited to what you see publicy.

and it is not only the technical differences. for example HL was adware and KDX is payware. so you could use it to resell it in the form that you install it in clients places.

about controlling the server: i dont know what server software you know, but the original red hat software could not be controlled using only a client.

about "windows": i am not argueing against the use of window services and GUI given by the OS. but i believe the more you rely on apple and microsoft stuff, the less freedom you have. have you ever tried using a hotline client on windows XP? it is a mess.

from within an app it is almost impossible to patch the current system and for this app only. what if you write an app for OS 8.1 and you want it to have draggable window content (i.e. not only zoom rects)? ... you cant. or what about remembering the position for each window individually. try this with a window provided by OS9 or OSX. :)
you have to write you own windows stuff now anyway to do such things. and if you do, this will now work on any target OS.

this is how kdx look with an OSX 10.2 scheme. the only difference to the surrounding area now is that it is much, much faster, because it does not need to copy stuff from other memory locations and uses only every otehr pixel for movements. and that it will still look the same when apple changes the aqua shit to the metal shit next week. you can also make it look like OS9 on linux. i bet you would like this.

really really offtopic now. bad IIO. :(

@PTGuy did you try it? are you missing features?
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2014, 12:02:53 AM »

btw ... timbuktu is a great example how you can make custom windows much worse than haxial. on OSX, timbuktu has sidebars on the main window with tools in it. and all in white on black.

coming back to the topic ... i miss a remote access app without desktop view. where you can only launch, close and get some basic feedback about processes. maybe a remote control is what should be part of my vst app? but i am bad with OSC...
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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2017, 07:51:05 PM »

Is Timbuktu pretty much the best remote desktop software? If I could find software that would allow my 2012 Macbook Pro to remote desktop into my G4, that would save me so much time like you don't even know. I need a powerful 'control center' like a 2012 Macbook Pro. I'm guessing I'd have to get Timbuktu and buy an older Mac laptop that can run Timbuktu unfortunately. Maybe all is not lost though, since the only real power I need is: a laptop that can run torrents, skype, and play videos decently. Hmm...


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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2017, 11:29:30 PM » <-- very last Timbuktu release. Will work on Sierra. I upgraded to High Sierra a few days ago so there is one slight incompatibility. If you read at the bottom you'll see the fix for getting it to work on Sierra. The included SH file may need slight tweaking so it will execute in the terminal correctly. Can someone take a look at this?

PS: we have no serials for any of this!


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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2017, 06:40:15 AM »

Hi syntho,
I am working here for several years now with a fantastic VNC connection between an OS X (10.6) Macbook Pro controlling Protools on an OS9 machine. It is called "Vine Viewer" from Testplant.
I have tried to find it on the net for you, but the company has dropped the app.
I have collected for you the incredients on my OS9 machine and the app "vine viewer" on my OSX machine:
OS 9: unstuff vnc_on_OS9.hqx
OS X: unstuff the original testplants apps "vine viewer" and "vine server".

The manual is still online. Look here:

On the OS 9 machine: put the "os9vnc" file into the startup objects of the system folder and the file "vnc patches" in the systemfolder. Restart

On the OS X machine just copy the "vine viewer" and start it.

And now the problem: Testplant has reloaded their website and you will find nothing about vineviewer there anymore. So sad. A view weeks ago they put a serial number on their download page for this version of vineviewer for free, but I haven't found it. Thanks to madalynmcworm: 

Hopefully this helps. I am using the vine viewer app to control OS9 and OS X machines. Hopefully I could help.

Best, paule.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2017, 08:39:22 AM by paule »


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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2017, 08:19:09 AM »

Hi syntho,
I am working here for several years now with a fantastic VNC connection between an OS X (10.6) Macbook Pro controlling Protools on an OS9 machine. It is called "Vine Viewer" from Testplant.
I have tried to find it on the net for you, but the company has dropped the app.
I have collected for you the incredients on my OS9 machine and the app "vine viewer" on my OSX machine:
OS 9: unstuff vnc_on_OS9.hqx
OS X: unstuff the original testplants apps "vine viewer" and "vine server".

The manual is still online. Look here:

On the OS 9 machine: put the "os9vnc" file into the startup objects of the system folder and the file "vnc patches" in the systemfolder. Restart

On the OS X machine just copy the "vine viewer" and start it.

And now the problem: Testplant has reloaded their website and you will find nothing about vineviewer there anymore. So sad. A view weeks ago they put a serial number on their download page for this version of vineviewer for free, but I haven't found it. I have only found a licence inside the app itself, which I am not sure if it is working, but maybe you can try: 0xcb949f2d

Hopefully this helps. I am using the vine viewer app to control OS9 and OS X machines. Hopefully I could help.

Best, paule.


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Re: VNC/Timbuktu: Remoting a screen of OS9
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2017, 02:44:10 PM »

I actually put the normal OS9vnc server on my OS9 machine and used both the built in screen viewer in OSX. It connected fine, but the problem is that it's very laggy. I also tried a program called Chicken on OSX. It was also slow. Vine viewer seems ok, but the reason I wanted to try Timbuktu is because it's got its own server and client and reports are that it's more of a 'real time' control without lagging. If it's faster to use, I definitely want to try it. Just have to figure out how to get it running on OSX, and find serials.
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