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Author Topic: OS9 + Classic + DB Support Help  (Read 4287 times)


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OS9 + Classic + DB Support Help
« on: November 04, 2013, 02:11:13 PM »


I run a computer service business in the San Francisco Bay Area. I started out supporting Windows PCs but have been supporting Macs for a number of years now.  I got a call from a new client who was having printing problems which I was able to resolve.  However, while I was there I reviewed his setup and discovered he is running really old Macs on OS9 using Classic to access a custom database running on an XServer.  It turns out the guy who built the custom database for this guy's business is retiring and won't be providing remote tech support anymore. I told him that I am not the guy because Macs are not my strong suit anyway and certainly not the vintage of computers/software that he has.  I warned him he needs to get someone to make an assessment of this setup, confirm backups are running, prep for crash, etc because if the system goes down it might be very difficult or impossible to bring back up given the age of the hw/sw.  So with that long introduction... does anyone here know of someone or a company, preferably in the Bay Area, that can help us (paid, of course ;-) ?

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