it extracted ok for me.. i just tried it
this info was inside the readme
Dear Steinberg-User,
in order to use the Midex 8 you have to install
OMS before you even connect the device to your Macintosh!
After a reboot of the system you should install
the Midex 8 driver first by doubleclick on the
Vise-Installer and than do a second systemreboot,
before you setup you OMS-Studio.
OMS is also required, even if you dont use Cubase
or Nuendo, which supports LTB.
You will find the Cubase-Updates and the
Nuendo-Updates (for LTB) on and on
If you have an older Midex 8 (Version 0.92) driver
installed, please be aware to delete
MidexFWloaderDriver and the MidexMididriver-debug
from you Systemextention-folder. As well as
the Midex OMS Driver from your OMS-folder
in the Systemfolder!
The new 1.02 driver is especially needed
for the new hardware-revision R2.
A new firmwareloader will be installed to
the systemfolder into the control panels.
The OMS installation is started by just
double clicking on the installer icon in
this folder. After
installation you will find more documentation
on your harddisk.
The OMS installer is provided courtesy of
Opcode System Inc.
OMS © Opcode System Inc / Portions ©
Steinberg Media Technologies AG
it seems this installer file is damaged.. probably
because they packaged it into a zip file
which would have destroyed the resource fork
type creator code to launch properly in mac os 9
this file has to be repaired somehow to execute i believe
it just need the proper creator code for a VISE installer
ok i just tried to use filetyper to change it to a vise installer creator type
(creator code: "VIS3" type: "APPL")
and it appeared to run, but then error'ed out with a msg saying that the location isnt available for install - WAIT that probably happened coz i ran it on my fileserver LOL
If you have an older Midex 8 (Version 0.92) driver installed, please be aware to delete MidexFWloaderDriver and the MidexMididriver-debug from you Systemextention-folder. As well as the Midex OMS Driver from your OMS-folder in the Systemfolder!
The new 1.02 driver is especially needed for the new hardware-revision R2.
A new firmwareloader will be installed to the systemfolder into the control panels.
The OMS installation is started by just double clicking on the installer icon in this folder. After
installation you will find more documentation on your harddisk.
The OMS installer is provided courtesy of Opcode System Inc.
OMS © Opcode System Inc / Portions © Steinberg Media Technologies AG