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Author Topic: macos9lives driver disk collaborative project  (Read 7406 times)


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macos9lives driver disk collaborative project
« on: June 29, 2014, 01:19:58 AM »

ok guys
something i just emailed diehard + mactron about
i have an idea for each of us to contribute to
for the benefit of all mac os 9 users

to create a master driver .img file
that we can add all the small driver files to
to make our lives easier, u know like digidesign drivers, m-audio delta drivers, video card drivers,
if we made a directory for this on the ftp we could each contribute our working driver files for our hardware
and then compile this into a master disk which can be posted + updated to new version easily
also keeping a log which would detail additions/removals as changes are made going forward
(using disk copy read/write image format which lets u add files to the .img file as if its a mounted real hard drive)

in the end we would end up with 1 cd or dvd sized image that would have all the drivers we would ever need for mac os 9
all in one place.. no more fuss tryign to find a driver when doing fresh system installs
mostly this would help newbie users that are struggling to understand + be familiar with the os itself so much that
having to locate a driver just makes things really frustrating

also what could be included on this disk are the rare patches for firmwares etc that some people wouldnt even know exists
+ hardware pdf documentation to consult in the event of a problem

« Last Edit: June 29, 2014, 08:13:02 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: macos9lives driver disk collaborative project
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2014, 05:15:20 PM »

I'm game for this. I have an Adaptec SCSI card with a special driver for it that should be in there.


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Re: macos9lives driver disk collaborative project
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 05:21:12 PM »

the files can be put here int his thread as attachments or uploaded to the driver directory on the ftp


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Re: macos9lives driver disk collaborative project
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2014, 12:08:37 AM »

i want to start moving this forward
if any of you have a bunch of different hardware + have your own personal drivers all organized in some type of directory structure on your disk lets share them here.. u can attach them to a post up to 64 mb attachments per post


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Re: macos9lives driver disk collaborative project
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2014, 08:36:09 PM »

like i said if anyone wants to contribute a stuffed folder or disk image of their collected drivers for any special hardware they own..
id like to pool all these drives in an attempt to make a universal driver disk for all to have and save time looking for drivers,

the ultimate goal is: 1 cd (700mb)
all motu, all m-audio, all rme, all event/echo, all pro tools related drivers, all tascam, all roland/edirol
all serial midi drivers, all usb keyboard drivers, all emagic, all steinberg
etc etc

and if we miss a few then we add them in and make a new version of the cd "macos9lives drivers cd" v1.01, v1.02, v1.03 etc etc

i can take a screenshot of what ive got collected so far.. perhaps that would help


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Re: macos9lives driver disk collaborative project
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2015, 11:30:19 PM »

I have the OS9 Radeon drivers as well as the OS 9 hotfix. If you need those, let me know.
15 Macs (13 of them ranging from an SE to a MDD), 2 iPads, 2 iPhones, 1 Hackintosh. Small house getting smaller with each Mac. . . . .  .Husband shakes his head but supports my habit.


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Re: macos9lives driver disk collaborative project
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2015, 02:16:51 AM »

noone is really helping to amke this happen......

everyone is able to post attachments to any forum post for files under 50mb..
for mac os 9 drivers this is plenty..

please feel free to upload + attach any .sit or .img.bin files of rare drivers for hardware here .. the idea was to get everyone involved.. the idea is dead in the water if its just one person doing all the work...\

it can be a real pain in teh ass to track down drivers for mac os 9..
often involving going thru many messed up pages on

it would be of tremendous value for us to compile all the drivers for hardware here via post attachments via a community effort .. everyone helping to post whatever drivers they have for their hardware..
but - i dunno i kind of gave up on this idea from the lack of interest
sad.. it was a good idea


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Re: macos9lives driver disk collaborative project
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2015, 01:14:04 PM »

ATI Radeon drivers for both OS9 and OS X. Also a hotfix for OS 9.

Designed for the following video cards:
RADEON 9000 Pro Mac Edition
RADEON 8500 Mac Edition
RADEON 7000 Mac Edition
RADEON Mac Edition (AGP & PCI)
Xclaim VR 128     
Rage Orion
Nexus 128
Xclaim VR (Rage II/Pro)     
Xclaim 3D Plus
Nexus GA
Xclaim 3D (Rage II/Pro)
Xclaim GA

Stuffed. Just unstuff it and install the driver followed by the hotfix (if needed).
15 Macs (13 of them ranging from an SE to a MDD), 2 iPads, 2 iPhones, 1 Hackintosh. Small house getting smaller with each Mac. . . . .  .Husband shakes his head but supports my habit.
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