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Author Topic: Can a Powerbook be near silent?  (Read 4751 times)


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Can a Powerbook be near silent?
« on: June 26, 2014, 07:14:06 PM »

If a powerbook G4's fans aren't running, are the G4 powerbooks just about silent?


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Re: Can a Powerbook be near silent?
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2014, 03:40:37 AM »

If a powerbook G4's fans aren't running, are the G4 powerbooks just about silent?
There are 2 sources of noises. The fans and the disk drives. Any classic 2.5"  hard drive can be 4200-5400-7200 rpm. The quicker is.noisier. So, install an IDE SSD or a IDE DiskOnModule would make it silent if the cpu is below a temperature. If it reaches its temp., the fans should spin.

I guess the best with all portables is to use a portable fan as big as the powerbook to spin slowly (almost silent) to get down the temps. because a big slow fan is more silent than the powerbook ones, and them should rotate at less speed than without the external fan.

That should be an almost silent powerbook, SSD and external BIG fan.
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