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Author Topic: Surpassing the number of instruments slots limits.  (Read 18569 times)


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Re: Surpassing the number of instruments slots limits.
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2014, 09:58:40 PM »

isnt there another midi over ip project?

it would be amazing but id rather have the real midi interface hardware to interact with hardware synths aswell and do creative midi routing with actual cables! but yes midi over ip would definately be valuable.. -afro- to figure out


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Re: Surpassing the number of instruments slots limits.
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2014, 07:08:23 AM »

Not really. The basic procedure is to paste aEff and PICT resources in to the host program :)

aha, ok, well i never looked into the NI apps until now (i usually do not even install stand alone versions)

if that would really already do it,  there are still some problems left, such as the copy protection - or is there any free NI standalone? (wasnt tere some reaktor thing which was free?)

Can be connected to virtually any MIDI software or hardware and are fast and lightweight than a full DAW host.

ok, so you are talking about a situation where you use a computer as one instrument only. well, i still think some leight weight host program will do better, and as it seems the NI programs are more or less also only VST hosts.
well i will look into that later, it is never too late to learn something new about these old programs. :)

about the NI players, i have lost the overview about releases after 2008. today you never really know who is the publisher and if something is a plug-in or just library content ... personally i dont use sample stuff, but i agree that it is fun to make everything available and extend and optimize things until end of times. :)
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Re: Surpassing the number of instruments slots limits.
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2014, 07:43:44 AM »

midi over ethernet ... there is only OSC which would work ... not perfectly but possible ... you can find it implemented in different ways in reaktor, csound, and supercollider (none of them has VSTi hosting) ... but also in max/msp ... i never used it in classic OS but a basic version of OSC is there.

if some of you have a special request for VST host app i will gladly try to program you one.

but 1. i am not an expert for UDP/TCP networks and 2. with OSC you would eventually do _better things than midi (for example use 32 bit numbers instead of 7 bit numbers)

it should be possible for example to build a VST plug-in which can send data from you main computer workstation over a network to control some other thing on other computers. one could just send the data to local muticast adresses and then filter by "midi" channel on the receiving side.
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Re: Surpassing the number of instruments slots limits.
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2014, 07:58:39 AM »

imposcar standalone ... hehe .... well it is not a big surprise, but i didnt know that their apps are just VST hosts.

ASIO and instantiating works fine, but i dont have 96k samplerate  (maybe thats normal for NI players?) midi i cant test now but i guess you did already.

what i dont like with this solution is that you can not run more than one app because of the sound driver. otoh, the plug-in is in the best sense totally integrated :D. if i´d make you a host program, it could stop working already when you rename the plug-in file ...
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Re: Surpassing the number of instruments slots limits.
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2014, 11:28:05 AM »

if some of you have a special request for VST host app i will gladly try to program you one.

This could be a very important project so it well deserve his own thread:
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