I got acquainted with MacDraw and its entire history just for the sake of seeing how well it fares with 9.2.2 on the Mac mini G4 1.5GHz. Results:
Everything works perfectly with MacDraw II 1.1v2 on Mac OS 9.2.2 on the Mac mini G4 1.5GHz. But under one condition: color depth needs to be anything
other than set to Millions of Colors, else it looks funky, and/or the program destabilizes. Using Thousands of Colors or 256 Colors for color depth resulted in the program being 100% functional.
The issue with Millions of Colors quite possibly would also be there on the Wallstreet G3 (wish mine still worked to actually test it out). Can you check if it actually handles MacDraw II properly on your WallStreet with Millions of Colors for color depth selected?
In any case, looks like it works just fine! Just need to use the proper color depth.
Regardless, I thought the latest version of MacDraw (ClarisDraw 1.0v4) could handle all MacDraw files of any previous version perfectly? Apparently MacDraw II is from 1989, while ClarisDraw is from 1994. Can't it handle your needs? (Note: MacDraw Pro is stuck between those two versions in the timeline. So if that can't do something, perhaps ClarisDraw can?)
If desired, the latest version can be found
Hope any of this helps.