Mac OS 9 on Unsupported Hardware


(1/22) > >>

[1] Mac Mini G4 display compatibility

[2] Mac OS 9 booting on: Mac mini G4 (Detailed Posts)

[3] Mac OS 9 booting on: iMac G4 Flat-panel (Detailed Posts)

[4] Mac OS 9 booting on: eMac G4 1.25 Ghz. (Detailed Posts)

[5] Mac OS 9 booting on: Previously Unspported G4 Models (Summary "Current state")

[6] Mac OS 9 booting on: PowerBook G4 17" Aluminum 5,1 (Detailed Posts)

[7] Mac Os 9 booting on: G4 Tower MDD FW800 (Detailed Posts)

[8] Mac Os 9 booting on: xServe G4 (Detailed Posts)

[9] Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported Hardware, "The state Of the art".


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