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Author Topic: Purchasing a new vintage mac?  (Read 725 times)


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Purchasing a new vintage mac?
« on: January 14, 2025, 12:54:23 AM »

I'm glad I moved from emulators to real hardware and I think I've never liked using a computer like that for about two decades. With my Macbook Air (Sonoma) I'd say it's useful/convenient/fast etc... but that's just functional like a fridge or the washing machine. With the Pismo, it can be useful (things you can't do with modern systems) plus the pleasure and the nostalgia...

Looong intro but I'm considering buying another one (not going to collect old macs, just a second one). Browsed many sites and at the moment I have two options
1) an enhanced Pismo 500 (1Gb Ram, SSD), working battery
2) a Tibook: either a 800Mhz from 2002 or a 1Ghz, both have SSDs, 1Gb Ram, working batteries

I'm hesitating...

Pros for the Pismo: I'm now familiar with it (I have a 400), it's a robust machine (may last longer)
Pros for the Tibooks: novelty (I never had one), faster & better performances (G4, video card).

Still pondering.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2025, 09:35:25 AM by MigMac »
Hardware = vintage station: Pismo 400 + 1 FW Drive + 1 FW DVD Writer (region free) - Pismo 500 + 1 FW Drive + 1 FW DVD Writer (on both Pismos volumes with MacOS9.2.2, MacOS9.2.1, MacOS 9.0.4)

Emulators: MacOS9 App - Sheepshaver


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Re: Purchasing a new vintage mac?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2025, 04:27:46 AM »

i got both and the pismo is the perfect man in the middle. thinking about getting its cpu swapped.

tibook is great if you want to hook up a magma pro tools chassis to it. i recommend the Apple PowerBook G4 867 (Ti) since it doesnt get as hot as the 1tb.
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