Digital Audio Workstation & MIDI > Digital Audio Workstations & MIDI Applications

Jingle player for Mac OS 9?


Since a few years back I'm producing one of Swedens most steamed car centric podcasts using my MDD and Pro Tools TDM 5.1.3. I play "jingles" live from my MacBook Air into Pro Tools through one of the interfaces, but I would love to be able to use my MDD for everything in terms of podcast production.

Long story shortl; I'm looking for a player that can have mp3's mapped out on individual buttons (like a palette) for a "one shot fire" type of jingle playing. Is there something like that avaliable for Mac OS 9?

EDIT: Found one here:

Wasn't there a radio-centric app called OnTheAir or something like that for OS9?

This type of app was called a "sound board". Another popular use was for talk radio, to fire off humorous sound clips in the middle of dialogue. The clips were also often mapped to keyboard keys.

For example, the Postal demo has a sound board as an option from the main menu.


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