Mac OS 9 Discussion > Emulation
Sheepshaver enhanced = MacOS9 App
user experience with the app - Surfin'
been customizing the app for the web… quite nice so far
- HTTPS: Classilla
- HTTP: iCab (faster)
- News Groups: MT News Reader
- BBS: two FileClass clients + Captain’s Quarters patched app
- Hotline: Hotline, Panorama
- Gopher: Turbogopher, Classilla
- FTP: Transmit, Monica
- Radio: patched iTunes (from MacIntosh Garden)
- Weather: Weatherbot
Everything stable, not a single crash or freeze using those
It was a different story with KDX. I get an error message on launch (problem with the router regarding the UPnP protocol), it can connect though and using I saw there were a few things still alive (servers, users). Unfortunately, it seems quite unstable, Sheepshaver crashed twice. Will have another go and try to solve that config issue which might be the reason for the crashes, idk
Eventually managed to have KDX working. The thing was to ignore the "configure UPnP" message on first launch (it was set by default in my router settings).
Well, it's not as dead as I thought: several trackers and servers still active there.
I spent a lot of time using KDX many years ago. Nostalgia shock !
Haha! Well, Nostalgia can be such a nice thing in a proper dose ... as we chatted on Hotline the other day, no KDX experience here but I'm nonetheless interested to give it a try. Maybe we should talk about KDX (it's past and present) in another topic. I'm sure there's a bunch of people like me without KDX experience but some interest.
As for MacOS9 App from Ed Mendelson, this seems like the perfect solution for people wanting to experience Mac OS again without the commitment of buying hardware. Like some time ago I was talking to Neil Shapiro (the editor in chief of U.S. MacUser magazine) and he asked me for a simple solution to run MacOS and some Hypercard stacks on his modern Mac. This might be it.
no proper experince if you are not proper comitted
--- Quote from: Bolkonskij on September 24, 2024, 12:52:18 AM --- Like some time ago I was talking to Neil Shapiro (the editor in chief of U.S. MacUser magazine) and he asked me for a simple solution to run MacOS and some Hypercard stacks on his modern Mac. This might be it.
--- End quote ---
then running System761 might be even better:
as it is based on Basilisk, the App is way more stable than MacOS9 App though Edward Mendelson managed to make it more reliable than a standard Sheepshaver VM.
If some developer(s) could improve that infamous restart crash with Sheepshaver (happens quite often) that would be a major improvement. Then the possibility to run versions superior to 9.0.4.
As I said before those occasional crashes and freezes seldom impact the VM. Not with MacOS9 App but with a standard SSVM, it happened to me just once, a crash that ruined the whole setup. Whenever that's possible, I choose the shutdown then start sequence rather than direct restart !!
I also use regular backups just in case, saving what is required: the disk, the VM or the whole app depending on the situation and the level of risk due to my "experiments".
With UTM, you have to save the whole thing all the time, a simple Finder freeze and you're dead, grrrr !
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