Very odd… indeed.
Spent several hours installing OS 10.3.9 again on the Lombard today
and attempting to access and download the highly coveted OS 9.2.2
using both Internet Explorer and Safari (all to absolutely no avail).
I downloaded / installed
Classilla 9.3.3 (via written thumb drive).
Tried to open it in 10.3.9 on the Lombard and it started to access OS 9…
along with the info that I should install Quicktime 6.0.3 (which I did not do).
Then rebooted into OS 9.2.2 (already previously installed on the Lombard)
and opened Classilla. Had to “allow” some
certificate business but
with a few more clicks… it is now downloading.

*Looks like I need to set the time correctly on the Lombard.