yes, and they changed the code totally and it doesnt sound anywhere close nor does it measure (yes ive tested them all)
x86 VST, wraps to x64 on PC (i should also mention each plugin costs 900 eur upwards, is officially certified only for wavelab (but wraps even and runs in protools, tested) and involves a personalized hasp dongle) but thats PC territory.
just reading an old article (NuBus->PowerPc transition period) And Pro Tools
The PCI/NuBus Power PC/680n0 situation is very complex, and deserves some explanation. Pre‑Power PC Macs cannot run VST, and Macs with PCI expansion slots (all Power Macs now in production) cannot drive existing Pro Tools systems, which require the older NuBus expansion slots. So, what of NuBus Power Macs, such as the 7100, which could conceivably drive a Pro Tools system and run VST software? Sadly, although you might harbour dreams of running TDM processing plug‑ins in conjunction with VST effects and EQ, the two will not run together. Cubase Audio XT is still in existence for Pro Tools owners, and is now being bundled with Cubase Score VST free of charge, so that NuBus Power Mac owners can access VST technology as well as Pro Tools — but only via separate software packages! However, Steinberg's UK distributors Harman say that it should be possible to address the hardware of Digidesign's Audiomedia cards (Audiomedia II for NuBus Macs and the new Audiomedia III for PCI Macs) from VST via the Apple Sound Manager.
this would make sense for me anyways since pro tools nubus hardware can process 24 bit via aes ebu in out but only record in 16bit. both work internally at 32 bit afaik. ill figure it out.
if say you want to send audio from a modern rig into a digidesign 888 -> disk io nubus -> cubase audio 3.05 xt process with nubus only tdms in there -> apple sound manager -> sum and print in cubase vst 3.5 at 24bit and enjoy vintage vst plugins. of course sending it to a G4 running os9 would be the cooler thing, but i like to tinker and see whats the utmost possible technologically

i mean the entire naming situation is in fact Steinbergs fault and this PRESS RELEASE is proof of that
Cubase Audio 3.0 TDM
Integrated MIDI- and Digital Audio-Recording
Hamburg - Steinberg announce Cubase Audio 3.0 TDM, offering
SoundManager Support with up to 16 Audio Tracks without
additional hardware, and TDM Support for up to 48 Physical Audio
Steinberg offer the best of all worlds: Professional
score-printing, the newest Digital Audio technology and the most
powerful MIDI sequencing, integrated into Cubase's
extra-intuitive user interface.
Professional Multi-track Audio Recording: Cubase Audio supports
Digidesign's TDM System. With one ProTools III system, 16 digital
audio channels are available. A fully expanded system offers an
unbelievable 48 audio channels, but Cubase's track handling
means that, a practically limitless supply of virtual tracks are
ready for use.
The Virtual Studio: The integration of TDM in Cubase is unique.
The complexity of the TDM system is presented as a graphic
patch-bay. The 'studio' now exists totally on screen. The
virtual effects-rack is ready to place an effect into any signal
path - exactly where its needed. The search for working patch
cables really is a thing of the past. The signal quality takes a
quantum leap forward; the signal never leaves the digital
domain. Irrespective of how many effects the signal passes
through the result is guaranteed crackle- and noise-free!
SoundManager Support: The new PowerMacs allow Hard disk recording
without any additional audio hardware. Cubase Audio 3.0 is the
gateway to this world. With AV and PowerMacs you can record &
play with full 44.1 kHz resolution. Even a Mac with 22.05
integrated sound can have digital audio with MIDI music.
The SoundManager's limit is only the hardware used: With a
PowerMac 7100 its possible to have 16 audio tracks -
Additionally Cubase 3.0 TDM contains all the new features of
Cubase Score 2.0. That's over 230 new notation and layout
options. And a virtually unlimited number of MIDI tracks - the
RAM's the limit.
OMS II Support , a joint development between Steinberg & Opcode
makes a direct pathway between sound editors and patch-managers
MovieManager Support: The integration of video completes the new
feature list! Simultaneous editing of multiple QuickTime movies,
with a direct link to the audio allows exact and intuitive
Cubase Audio 3.0 TDM is available from music stores and
specialist Pro-audio dealers.
- Cubase Audio 3.0 TDM
- Cubase Audio
- Cubase Audio 3.0
- Cubase 3.0 TDM
- Cubase audio XT 3.0
- Cubase audio XT for DAE/TDM
so i think its settled
Cubase Audio e
XTended hardware support 3.0
for DAE/TDMregarding Cubase Audio 1.x and 2.x, I'm waiting for a box cover foto of a dear member who has v2.0. but i assume it simply was called CUBASE AUDIO. and then stickers on the retail boxes or prints even said which hardware it supported. as technological and licensing wise that was a moving target (cubase and digital performer were the only DAWs that were licensed to use CBX-D5 for instance, but thats on windows, not PC). Ive read CUBASE AUDIO DAE a lot, it might just be CUBASE AUDIO 1.x/2.x for DAE. maybe i can find out if a version of cubase audio already supported Pro Tools TDM.
"or CUBASE AUDIO the following updates are available:
Update Audio before Version 3.x DM 199,-
Update Audio 3.x to VST 3.5 DM 99,-" (Oct 17, 1997)
"For CUBASE AUDIO the following updates are available:
- Update to Cubase Audio XT/VST 3.5 DM 199,-" (Feb 13, 1998)
-> this is a bundle product once Cubase VST 3.5 was released, just includes Cubase Audio 3.05 XT (for DAE/TDM) for backward compatibility with Nubus Systems.