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Author Topic: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)  (Read 14993 times)


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question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:52:01 PM »

ok so i have an akai s950 sampler
i was reading that of the two scsi addons for the s950
there is one for normal SCSI1 and then there is one which is a 19 pin
atari hard drive port.. originally made for the atari megafile 30 or atari megafile 60
external old hard drives from the 80s (which apparently are really loud)

im wondering if there is any other atari external hard drives that support this 19 pin
cable connection that anyone knows of that i might try to track down or verify if they work
with the akai s950 sampler (via the IB105 hard drive port addon) the reason being that the
IB105 is alot easier to find for sale then the IB109 SCSI port addon..

more info on the megafile hds:

its great to figure out that this fits these drives, but apparently the megafile drives are super slow + loud
so im wondering if this 19 pin interface was used on any other models of hds that may be more modern? and less crappy?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 08:20:32 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2015, 11:31:14 PM »

The old Atari's don't use regular SCSI-1, they use a modified version called "ACSI". From what I can find the S950 is not ACSI compatible, so they only share the connector. The protocol is different.

From the site you linked about the Megafile, just to be clear:
The Megafile was connected to the host through the door ACSI, ACSI is Atari’s proprietary hard drive connector. It is similar to SCSI which was standardized later, but not directly compatible.
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2015, 12:11:31 AM »

yes there was 2 communication addons for the s950
one is scsi.. and the other is this atari format you speak of (pictured above, ib105)

heres a pic of the scsi one /w centronics connector (ib109)

anyways i was just hoping that there was other more modern hard drives for atari that used this
'acsi' format 19 pin connection
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 01:01:00 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2015, 11:04:03 PM »

If that's the case, then yes, there is!
You have the UltraSatan that you can buy from Poland. It gives you the ability to use an SD card as a hard drive with the Atari's using the ACSI connector (and your S950 if it supports the ACSI protocol).

More info and the online store here:
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2015, 09:13:28 AM »

the s950 only supports a hard drive of 60MB or smaller
not sure if it would let me format a X amount of Gb SD as a 60MB disk :D


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2015, 02:54:06 AM »

the s950 only supports a hard drive of 60MB or smaller
not sure if it would let me format a X amount of Gb SD as a 60MB disk :D
Of course it will let you do that. Early versions of the Ataris OS only supports 32mb partitions, and that works just fine with a huge SD card and the Ultrasatan.

You might need an Atari to do the partitioning and formatting of the SD card though.
Im not sure if the S950 can manage that on it's own.

Otherwise you might be able to find one of the many ACSI-SCSI adapters that where made back in the day for the Atari ST range.
Like ICD "The Link" and ICD "The Link 2".

Theres also one avalible here:
They also make a ACSI to SD box:

Theres quite a few alternatives out there, but getting a "real" SCSI expansion for the S950 might be the best thing after all. It's cheaper to get drives and keep the thing running.
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2015, 08:11:21 AM »

i think its able to format disks in its own akai format yes

im thinking it would be best to have it work via SCSI with a normal SCSI zip drive (100MB formatted as 60gb) or 64MB flash media of some sort

i didnt know there was a ASCI-SCSI adapter.... good to know
i was just hoping that there was other atari drives out there more readily available + in working condition that
may take this 19 pin ASCI atari format connection

theres this other company from japan that offers this product on ebay:

their shop:

i guess since it shows the 2gb CF card.. that this means it works.. but the s950 would format it as 60mb
this is what i dont get-- when it says 60mb only - does that mean it has to be 60mb or under for it to work
- or it will only format it as 60mb


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2015, 08:42:10 AM »

I guess back then they had partition limitations of that size so it probably wont see anything beyond 60mb or make problems like os9 if you exceed the partition limit.


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2015, 04:26:12 AM »

Are you sure the total limit it around 68mb? I would think it's a partition limit, like devils_advisor.
TOS 1.04 on the Atari ST can manage 32mb partitions, but can see 16 of them at the same time.

If the S950 can do something like that (which it probably can since you can use a SCSI HD and CD-Rom at the same time with one), you can make better use of the storage media :)
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2015, 10:01:51 AM »

do they have SD flash cards that are smaller then 60MB?
i just found one that is 16M but its one that came with an ancient camera
there must be 32 + 64mb cards?? available cheap i bet?
having a 32mb SD on my s950 would be awesome
no clue how to achieve that goal tho lol

re: size i was just goin from the info in this artcle (chart)
it says it can only do 60MB scsi hd

as the charts from 1997 - it doesnt include any other mpc's or akai samplers beyond that date


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2018, 03:31:21 AM »

@supernova777 Did you ever get this to work? I just purchased an S950 with IB-105 and am looking at purchasing either the GigaFile which would also need a cable as well as external 5V PSU - not exactly elegant but considerably cheaper than buying a IB-109 clone.

Has anyone had success with the Lotharek UltraSatan? It features two slots and is hot-swappable but I do not know if this is supported on the S950 (or whether it works at all with it).
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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2018, 08:55:19 AM »

i never got my hands on the ib105 unit yet!
my focus since 2013 had been on compiling all this old info moreso then actually "Doin it myself"
but i hope to get the chance now that i have farmed the info + directions on what works with what
and what can be done

i think ill go look into this further right now

i have an ancient scsi drive im trying to repair right now..
i would have to find one of the atari hard drives aswell as the ib105 tho

im about to take my s950 in to get fixed up

i think il skip the ultrasatan thing tho just because im not crazy about the name (maybe some people  can understand why)
i still dont understand why this guy
 chose to name his product SATAN disk or IDE DEVIL
alot of christian people would find this offensive
clearly hes done it purposely to offend (See attached photo from his facebook page)

trolls be everywhere
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 09:09:05 AM by macStuff »


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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2018, 05:36:15 AM »

I can confirm that the GigaFile works with the S950 having purchased it recently. There are some idiosyncrasies which I am putting down to the S950 rather than Inventronik.

However, I have succeeded fromatting the SD card and creating volumes. I have saved and loaded samples, too, so all is good at this point. I will update this thread if I happen to come across worth mentioning.
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Re: question re: s950/scsi/hd for atari people (like knez)
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2019, 07:15:09 AM »

is this the device u mention? re: gigafile?

ive got a couple ACSI-SCSI adapers now from ICD
ICD adSCSI ST plus + ICD adSCSI ST, these adapters are meant to
be used to replace the aging or broken hard drive inside a real Atari SH204 drive i believe
if i could only find a broken SH204 for sale...

im wondering if anyone has any experience using an ACSI-SCSI adapter in combination with a scsi multi-card reader, or a scsi zip drive ??
« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 02:03:01 PM by macStuff »
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