Digital Audio Workstation & MIDI > Music Notation/Score Editors

Deluxe Music Construction Set 2.5

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By the way, if anyone ever decides to walk down this strange road, I discovered, after all this effort, that Studio Vision from Opcode (which I've got running in SheepShavered OS9) opens DMCS 2.5 files perfectly! That would have been much easier....

Ok, Thank You for the info :)

how are  u running opcode on sheepshaver ?

theres no midi communication on sheepshaver..
its incapable of communicating to usb or serial midi devices is what i was told

I've just exported SMF (standard midi files) for use in Logic--no attempt to get actual communications out!


--- Quote from: ronsonjonson on March 02, 2015, 09:45:05 AM ---I've just exported SMF (standard midi files) for use in Logic--no attempt to get actual communications out!

--- End quote ---

u might aswell not even try because ive read its quite impossible.. this info came direct from the creator of the sheepshaver app himself.


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