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Author Topic: Mac OS 9 booting on: iMac G4 Flat-panel (Detailed Posts)  (Read 152869 times)


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4
« Reply #40 on: October 13, 2014, 10:06:03 AM »

seriously did u guys all just give up on this..

im reading the responses here again.. and i cant believe what im reading
-the success of the g5 booting os9 had nothing ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with a "mac so rom" file..
so all this talk of rom file.. and installation medias.. + custer cds.. is all wasted time + effort

what u guys SHOULD have been talking about is

A) which target mac you are trying to make boot os 9 (that doesnt have support for it already)
B) which similar mac model you are going to copy the firmware from (done inside openfirmware with an NVEDIT script)
C) how exactly to use openfirmware to copy the FIRMWARE...
D) how exactly to use openfirmware to flash the working os9 FIRMWARE

we have referred to the machines firmware as the machines rom.. u guys have gotten all confused
this does not mean the operating system "mac os rom"

u need to change the firmware of the machine to allow it to recognize the //:tbxi toolbox image CHRP script as valid
open firmware is not the same thing as the machines FIRMWARE



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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4
« Reply #41 on: October 13, 2014, 10:08:40 AM »

there is 5 models of osx boot only imac g4s to "operate on" to convert to mac os 9 bootable

all imac g4s: 9 capable 9 capable 9 capable * * * * *

if anyones going to respond to this thread
first thing u should tell us is which model you are going to make an attempt with

in order to be successfull with this we need first someone to copy the 700 / 800 or 800 17" imac's firmware file
or a upgrade firmware for these 3 models needs to be found online (in the same way that one was found for the g4 mdd)

this is where the magic happens:

here we have some firmwares posted by apple:
lets take a look

and there is no luck here
iMac (USB 2.0)    no update needed
iMac (17-inch 1GHz)    no update needed
iMac (17-inch Flat Panel)    no update needed
iMac (Flat Panel)    no update needed


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4
« Reply #42 on: October 13, 2014, 10:20:11 AM »

this might be it  ;D
yes.. houston.. we have lift off!!

15" Flat Panel iMac, SuperDrive
there is a chance its for the later mac os x 15" model
but i doubt it..
its most likely a superdrive update for the older models.. to match the cd/dvd support to the newer models
so if thats the case..
then this is the mac os 9 bootable firmware for the imac g4!

download the firmware
then follow the instructions for forcing the firmware flash (because the version is lower then what u have)

same instructions as for the g4 mdd
but this time with the attached firmware i have attached

- Open the bundle by right-clicking (or control-clicking) on the file inside /Applications/Utilities and choosing "Show Package Contents."
- Navigate to Contents/Resources and drag the "Firmware" file to the root of your startup disk.
- Make note of the partition number of your startup disk-- this is important for the next steps. On a freshly-formatted drive with OS 9 drivers, the first visible partition is 9, which in my case meant my second visible partition with OS X installed was partition number 10.
- Reboot the Mac and hold down Command-Option-O-F to boot to Open Firmware.
- Enter the following two commands, substituting your partition number after the "hd:"
    load hd:10,Firmware
- With luck, the white Open Firmware prompt will disappear and you'll soon see an OS 9-style progress bar at the bottom of the screen as the Boot ROM is being flashed.
- After the Mac automatically restarts, install OS 9 using the special version for the MDD FW400 (OS9General.dmg). The OS 9 System Folder should be visible and selectable using the Startup Disk preference pane.
- Enjoy. :)


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4
« Reply #43 on: October 13, 2014, 11:18:13 AM »

ok wait. that firmware might only be for the actual cd/dvd drive..... which means that the firmware would have to be extracted from one of the 3 that work..
or else found somewhere else online

my mistake i thought it was a firmware update for the actual computer itself


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4
« Reply #44 on: October 13, 2014, 11:24:07 AM »

i read of a guy named "Pareis" who is a super pro at open firmware
i read of this guy here:
in a msg from "ccmac"
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 12:26:14 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4
« Reply #45 on: October 13, 2014, 11:54:30 AM »

-the success of the g5 booting os9 had nothing ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with a "mac so rom" file..
so all this talk of rom file.. and installation medias.. + custer cds.. is all wasted time + effort

...Give me a Mac Os 9 ROM with support for the G5 motherboard components and the Firmware/Open Firmware tricks will be a little walk in the park on a sunny day .... LOL
Please don't PM about things that are not private.


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #46 on: October 13, 2014, 12:11:13 PM »

LOL typo.. g4;)
my bad


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4
« Reply #47 on: October 13, 2014, 02:55:21 PM »

...Give me a Mac Os 9 ROM with support for the G5 motherboard components and the Firmware/Open Firmware tricks will be a little walk in the park on a sunny day .... LOL

you only need to take the 64 bit version of OS9 and install the quad processor enabler extension. not.
insert arbitrary signature here


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #48 on: October 14, 2014, 04:18:06 AM »

lets not get offtopic

we need a few good minds on this and we can crack it
where focus needs to be put :
how to save the firmware of an existing os9 bootable version imac g4 to a file
there was talk on this thread about getting 8.6 on a sawtooth about using the utility from a 3rd party cpu
that had the ability to save the original firmware because the 3rd party cpu needed to patch or write a modified firmware to properly support the 3rd party cpu

For example, in a discussion on the apple support forums I found a Sawtooth owner who had a corrupt boot rom who wanted to reflash it with a fresh copy of the firmware. He stated that Sonnet sent him a utility he called the G4 ROM Utility that had the ability to both save a copy of the boot rom and reflash it -- (
dont get confused this thread above was about getting a working 8.6 mac os install on a sawtooth.. these guys were trying to hack it because they didnt have the cd,.. and the one guy almeath who did have the cd, he had the wrong type of mac.. he thought it was a sawtooth but it was a 4pci slot gigabit ethernet model.. ccmac was talking about reverting the firmware but it turned out this was not neccessary all tht was neccessary to boot 8.6 on the sawtooth was having the original cd which contained the 2.5.1 rom - but the comments he said about saving out a copy of the firmware are whats relevant to this thread and also his comments about this guy, pareis + his openfirmware abilities.. he wrote a script to flash firmware of a mac directly from mac os x called "fwupdater" AHA! here is his blog: see ?? FORTH CODE.. hes made it "4th" but macforth is the name of the languae of openfirmware...
hence the nam,e of this guys blog. 4th code.. forth code.

maybe this is the thread?
There is a utility called PM G4 ROM UTILITY (the guys from SONNET sent it to me) what can read out & write a G4 firmware.


but thats just one way, there should be a way to do this RAW in the openfirmware itself if you are skilled with programming + writing openfirmware's own language .
which is the forth language i think another key diffference between the structure of this language and most other languages
as i pointed out on the other downgrade mdd g4 thread was the structure of writing commands in this language is backwards from normal languages

we are used to [command] [values] [switches]
and this language's structure, as illusrtated in the above quote...
is set up like this: [values] [command]
totally backward

in order to save a mac os 9 bootable firmware we need someone who has one of these os9 bootable imac g4s..
and who has the intelligence to figure out how to save the firmware to a file
in openfirmware or using a 3rd party utility to do the work instead

so there is two ways to proceed
1) find the pm g4 rom utility from sonnet or another similiar utility from a 3rd party cpu and use it on a os9 bootable imac g4 + save the firmware to a file to copy to the other models
2) figure out how to save the firmware using scripting RAW from openfirmware "by hand"

or 3) we find pareis and ask him for his help to accomplish this task
or 4) we find another skilled forth programmer to assist in saving the firmware to a file
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 04:42:20 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #50 on: October 14, 2014, 05:00:44 AM »

who has a sonnet upgrade g4 cpu? whoever has this should have the g4 rom utility that we need it comes with the encore ST cpu upgrades
ANYONE of our users who have a 3rd party g4 cpu should have a similar utility provided on the cd that comes with these 3rd party utilities


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #51 on: October 14, 2014, 05:07:31 AM »

Wait? What? What's new? I've got a non-os9 compatible imac. I can hack OS9 into it but without proper sound and graphics support.

I know people with OS9-compatible iLamps. If software can be provided I'm sure I can get them to do firmware dumps.


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #52 on: October 14, 2014, 05:32:01 AM »

I know people with OS9-compatible iLamps. If software can be provided I'm sure I can get them to do firmware dumps.

Like me? ;)

I'll have a look at it if someone can provide the software needed.
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.

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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #53 on: October 14, 2014, 05:38:35 AM »

Like me? ;)

I'll have a look at it if someone can provide the software needed.

Haha, Yes, and another guy we "know". He's probably not as technical though but I'm pretty sure he's got an OS9-compatible flat panel.


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #54 on: October 14, 2014, 05:59:53 AM »

i will see if i can aquire the one for sale in my area.. it is mac os 9 bootable. only a 700mhz model but whatever..

i think i could extract the firmware if i can get my hands on one

you two guys know each other?


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #55 on: October 14, 2014, 06:01:54 AM »

Wait? What? What's new? I've got a non-os9 compatible imac. I can hack OS9 into it but without proper sound and graphics support.

this is because u dont have the proper firmware on it yet!!!!!! i really believe that we can solve this though.


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #56 on: October 14, 2014, 06:15:24 AM »

all imac g4s: 9 capable 9 capable 9 capable * * * * *

original motherboard style ports:

revised motherboard style ports:

based on this info here, it seems that the motherboards are in fact totally different ;( so it may be risky to do a firmware downgrade to the 700mhz type firmware...usb ports in different places.. risky.. like losing usb functionality totally could screw the machien totally.

the article in summary:
revision 1: 15 inch imac g4 (700mhz, 800mhz)
revision 2: 17 inch imac g4 (800mhz)
revision 3: 17 inch imac g4 WITH NEW MOBO (1ghz)
revision 4: 15,17 + 20 inch screens imac g4 WITH NEW MOBO (1.0ghz + 1.25ghz)
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 06:28:49 AM by chrisNova777 »

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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #57 on: October 14, 2014, 06:19:35 AM »

this is because u dont have the proper firmware on it yet!!!!!! i really believe that we can solve this though.

Well, yeah. I remember reading a theory about downgrading the firmware, but nothing conclusive. At least not on the iLamp. Only working hacks I've seen are the Mac OS Rom hacks.

I wouldn't count my eggs until I've seen the firmware hack actually working. I'm pretty sure there are risks involved with that too, they're physically different machines after all.


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2014, 06:27:00 AM »

reading the original ibook thread i saw that there was possible a mac boot of os9 but with limited graphics + problems
did any of u doing the mac os rom hack use an original mac os rom from an imac g4 restore cd?????

frm what i read u guys all used 10.2.1 rom + generic roms from the 9.21 + 9.22 updates..
maybe u could have sucess if u modified a real mac os rom for the actual x only imac g4
(ie a copy of mac rom version whatever came on the imac g4 restore cds)

the restore cds are all available here:
except these cds are for a 15inch imac g4..
which version?? there was 15 inch X only models.. as well as os9 booting models..
not sure which these discs is for.. based on "Cd version 1.0" i would say its for the first 700mhz + 800mhz versions
also because my qs 933mhz cd restores X v10.1.3 + 9.22 and this one says X v10.1.4 so its clearly not
long after the 933mhz model that the model of imac g4 that the cds was for was released..
the qs933 being from 2002... based on my info (
between january + august 2002 and the fact that jaguar was released in august 2002
means these cds are for early 2002 imac g4s..

i have renamed these files (to indicate 2002 models) + backed them up on my own account here:

the x only imac g4s were only released in 2003
 iMac G4/700 (Flat Panel) 700 MHz PowerPC 7441 (G4)
 iMac G4/800 (Flat Panel) 800 MHz PowerPC 7445 (G4)
iMac G4/800 17-Inch (Flat Panel) 800 MHz PowerPC 7445 (G4)

 iMac G4/800 - X Only (Flat Panel) 800 MHz PowerPC 7445 (G4)
iMac G4/1.0 17-Inch (Flat Panel) 1.0 GHz PowerPC 7445 (G4)
iMac G4/1.0 15-Inch "FP" (USB 2.0) 1.0 GHz PowerPC 7445 (G4)
 iMac G4/1.25 17-Inch "FP" (USB 2.0) 1.25 GHz PowerPC 7445 (G4)
iMac G4/1.25 20-Inch "FP" (USB 2.0) 1.25 GHz PowerPC 7445 (G4)

here we go - its so clear.. all imac g4s from 2002 boot os9 ..
all imac g4s from 2003.. dont - and the hardware is PHYSICALLY DIFFERENT... :/

so i would think to do a os9 "mac os rom" hack for these that supports the hardware properly..
 u need to hack the right "mac os rom"
that is for that specific motherboard from the restore discs that came with the 2003 models
ok u dont *NEED* to do anything;) but it may be a good thing to try.. different from whats been tried already

the above cds will contain a rom verson .. i will open it up and see which mac os rom it contains for the 2002 imac g4s

« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 06:57:28 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 (Flat-panel)
« Reply #59 on: October 14, 2014, 06:57:50 AM »
so apparenly this 800mhz "X only" 2003 model has the same motherboard as the 2002 models..

but unfortunately it only has 100mhz bus...
and all the other x only 2003 models have DDR ram + 133mhz bus
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