Digital Audio Workstations & MIDI Applications
Child Boards
[-] Cubase/Nuendo by Steinberg
[-] Live! by Ableton
[-] Reason / Rebirth / Recycle by Propellerheads
[-] Sampler Software, Sample CDs, & Sample Libaries
[-] Vision & Studio Vision by Opcode
[-] Music Notation/Score Editors
[-] Plugins (VST,TDM,RTAS,MAS)
[-] PowerPC OSX-based DAW Applications
[2] Digital audio playground for OS9?
[3] List of Legacy DAW software (Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X) and activation methods
[4] Nuendo 2.0
[5] Flux images of Authorization Floppies
[6] Need help picking OS 9 DAW
[8] Building the BEST setup for my equipment
[9] RSS-10 software with Apple Midi Driver
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