Mac OS 9 Lives
Digital Audio Workstation & MIDI => Digital Audio Workstations & MIDI Applications => Cubase/Nuendo by Steinberg => Topic started by: silicon1138 on October 19, 2017, 03:39:42 PM
Hello, i'm new to Mac 0S 9 Lives, and as i'm having a look around i can see there seems to be a lot of older Mac / Cubase users.
I've been making records for about 25 years, and recently i've been trying to retrieve my old songs from archived Cubase files.
Under OSX/VMWare Fusion/XP/Cubase SX3 i've been able to import songs dating back to 1997, but for some reason SX3 won't let me access any files prior to that.
I'm after some help. Would it be possible for someone to do a test for me, and try to access one of these pre 97 Cubase files please?
I'd gladly pay you for you time.
I'm attaching one such file in this message, for testing purposes.
Thanks in advance.
In which Cubase version this file was created?
That's half the problem, i can't say exactly which version. The files are dated between 1994 and unto the end of 1995.
I've tried opening them using Cubase VST32 on PC to no avail. They won't import into Cubase SX3 either.
Just the last few days i've even tried Sheepsaver and OS9, but i'm struggling to get any versions working. 4 just crashes, 2.5 Score asks me for a floppy, VST 32/5 works but won't load the files or import them. I can't get a k'd version of 3.5 to open....
So without working versions fo 2, 3 or 4, i can't check the file.
The file itself doesn't even have any extension, which is odd. I've got a folder with 269 of these save files in, but no way to access them, hence the call for help from anyone who has working Mac versions of 2,3 or 4.
Try to open them in a hexeditor or notepad the header should tell you what version they were saved with or give you at least a indication.
Thanks for the advice. Hex editors and notepad show me nothing understandable though, no single concrete words.
Copy the first 2 lines in here and lets see.
Here's one of the actual song files if that's any better for you?
And here a re the first two lines of code
ABCD0054 0000839C 00002237 0000011E 00000118 08082A00 AB354AB8 AB352FDF 73635347 73744355
0100FFFF FFFF0000 8117A43E 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
The highlighted text, shows that is a Cubase (stCU) Song File (scSG).
But even with the proper file type and creator I couldn't open it with any old version of Cubase I have, Including 2.5, 3.5 and 5.0.
This is really odd... :o
Possibly corrupted?
Thanks for your efforts here, it's really interesting.
One thought i have had today, and it's a long shot, is that at some point during the 90's i may have borrowed a friends Atari ST / Cubase. Could this be why these files are possibly not working? Would there be any data in the hex file to point to what type of computer it was on?
I suppose the actual problem may just be down to the age of the files. I'm thinking that these were probably some of the first files i ever burnt to cd. Perhaps this is where an issue with cd authoring has affected the files.
I don't see any other relevant info on the hex editor. May be this file was compressed or converted in some old or odd way...
Thanks for all you help. I guess it's time to give up the chase. Something clearly wrong with all 250+ files from 94/95.
I got songs as far back as 96 working though, so i'll be happy to live with that.
I have to say i'm impressed with SheepShaver. Booting OS9 up again after so long was super nostalgic.
I found a very large old Mac wares file on the net last night and it contains a huge amount of audio stuff. I'll attach a picture of the Cubase folder. PM me if anyone is interested, the entire Cubase folder is 145meg.