Mac OS 9 Lives
Digital Audio Workstation & MIDI => Digital Audio Workstations & MIDI Applications => Sampler Software, Sample CDs, & Sample Libaries => Topic started by: supernova777 on March 18, 2015, 03:34:44 AM
can someone reupload the reason drumkits refill
i lost this file some time ago and would like to replace it
ok if it was called "Reason Drum Kits 2.0" i think i found another copy of it..
not sure if diehard or anyoen else is interested but i have this refill
2.3gb iso DVD i think its from around 2005
Can you upload it? Elsewhere but Adrive, if space is scarce
ill try ..
i found the reason drums refill i think too its about 2gb right?
i uploaded the reason piano iso refill last nite
not sure if it will work with reason 2.5 it may require 3 or 4
1 Steinway D Grand Piano
1 Yamaha C7 Grand Piano
1 Steinway K Upright Piano
Ready-made Combi Patches
42 Preset Piano Patches
Comprising numerous microphone setup combinations for all three pianos.
A selection of Combinator patches
29 Style Piano Patches
Ranging from classic piano sounds to tweaked-out layered instruments.
Producer Patches
11 Producer Piano Patches
Top producers have created production friendly piano patches using Reason's processors and effects.
Pre-wired Empty Piano Patches
8 Template Patches
To serve as starting points for creating your own sounds.
Reverb Patches
14 Reverb Patches
Luxurious, Piano-friendly reverb patches for Reason's excellent RV7000 unit.
5 Demo Songs
Professionally produced, differently styled demo song files. Created and mixed in Reason.
this video is dated 2010 so it may be more recent and may even require reason 5!