Mac OS 9 Lives

Digital Audio Workstation & MIDI => Digital Audio Workstations & MIDI Applications => Pro Tools by Digidesign => Topic started by: supernova777 on September 03, 2014, 08:25:35 AM

Title: any hacker pro tools fan?
Post by: supernova777 on September 03, 2014, 08:25:35 AM
speaking of hacking..
if we have anyone who can accomplish such things
it would be really cool to hack pro tools free (
on mac os 9..they did it on win98se so we know its possible, to get 32 track count, and also to accept any audio interface
this would be amazing but maybe im dreaming;D

maybe it would be possible to take some files from the 5.2.1 mbox version ( to somehow make it accept any usb asio device..

i have personally got a version of ptle 6.7 working on winxp that also mixed + matched pro tools files from different versions
(m-powered) to get ptle 6.7 working with no dongle required + with any interface at all (not requiring m-audio)
i have it working now on a winxp machine with a gina 20bit pci card from 1997! and it sounds great!
anyways we have proof that mixing + matching files was possible to get a working system.. if someone has the right skills
im guessing it could be easily accomplished by the right person with the right expertise + intelligence.

acutally sorry it was workign with an m-audio delta 410 card..  (re:ptle6.7)