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Roland/Dinaware Ballade 1.11

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Roland/Dinaware Ballade 1.11:

Info, Tips & Trics here...

dr bu:
thanks for uploading! you need midi manager to configure this, right? i cant find out how to do that. also the Info, Tips & Trics, i dont see...

To install Apple MIDI Manager you simple drag the file "MIDI Manager" into your Extensions folder and restart your computer. This file is in "Midi Manager Folder" inside Ballade folder.

Additionally you can drag the file "Apple MIDI Driver" to your System folder if you plan to use an external MIDI device, AND/OR you can drag the file "OMS MIDI Manager Driver" file to your System folder if you plan to use OMS in paralell with Aple MIDI Manager and also let OMS to manage external MIDI devices.
"OMS MIDI Manager Driver" is on MacTron Xtras folder inside Ballade folder.

dr bu:
no. sorry, im familiar with adding extensions. also with using OMS. the question is how do i route midi from Ballade to e.g. FM7, like youve apparently done? in Ballade you can route midi thru port a or b (obviously Midi Manager ports), but the only way ive found patching Midi Manager is thru the PatchBay prg, and here Ballade itself is the only option!? Midi Manager icon, no sign of connection to OMS. :'( by the way, the "OMS MIDI Manager Driver" goes in the OMS folder right? i tried the system as well as the extensions folder just to be sure, but it did not make any difference.


--- Quote from: MacTron on April 14, 2014, 11:13:34 AM ---... AND/OR you can drag the file "OMS MIDI Manager Driver" file to your System folder if you plan to use OMS in paralell with Aple MIDI Manager and also let OMS to manage external MIDI devices.
"OMS MIDI Manager Driver" is on MacTron Xtras folder inside Ballade folder.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: MacTron on April 14, 2014, 11:13:34 AM ---...drag the file "OMS MIDI Manager Driver" file to your System folder if you plan to use OMS

--- End quote ---

You have to put "OMS MIDI Manager Driver" file in to your System folder (not Extensions folder).
Restart your computer and then configure your connections (with OMS apps also)  in PatchBay.
You can take a look in to the down-right part of the picture:

Click to Enlarge...


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