Mac OS 9 Discussion > Hardware

exploring 66mhz pci-slot on non-agp *pci* mac g3 450mhz!!!!

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jorge yea i understand what u mean..
i think the limit is 133mb/s per slot
so combining another slot and doing the raid that way
should work to get faster then 133mb/s when
both are used in combination

but what we were testing was
if we could achieve 66mhz operation/performance
with a 32bit card, because this same 32bit card
is capable of 66mhz operation - if put in a slot that is capable -
such as a powermac g5's slots (which are 100mhz)
if this 32bit card was inserted into a g5 100mhz
slot it would function at server level performance of 66mhz
(top speed the card can do)

but it seems that in a g3 or g4 any 32 bit card will only go as far
as 33mhz ....

BUT i just realized.. i have only tested this in  mac os 9..
perhaps in mac os X it may recognize the card ?

this would be the last thing to try before putting this topic to bed;)


--- Quote from: chrisNova777 on March 30, 2014, 04:08:54 PM ---
this would be the last thing to try before putting this topic to bed;)

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You can still test the Acard 6885 on same slot   ;D


--- Quote from: Protools5LEGuy on March 30, 2014, 03:48:27 PM ---I guess in a magma 64bit chassis with 7 slots, 7 cards should give 133MB/s.

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yeah even if u had a magma chassis it would have to connect to a single slot which is bandwidth limited to 133mb/s (if the magma card is 32bit) or 266mb/s (if the magma card is 64bit)


--- Quote from: Jakl on March 30, 2014, 03:25:13 PM ---By the way Chris what sata card/cards did you try to use?
Were any of them Seritek cards?


--- End quote ---

jakl; it was the exact same as a "seritek 1s2" 32bit card..
the card works fine in any normal slot.. but i was testing to see if it could run at an enhanced speed
when inserted into a 66mhz capable slot.. but what i found was that the card didnt function at all
when put into this 66mhz video pci slot of the g3 powermac b&w.

i could try again, but i think the result would be the same, not sure why... maybe i could check the openfirmware
device tree to see if there is some huge difference between this slot and the other pci slots


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