Mac OS 9 Discussion > Emulation

has anyone explored "sheepshaver"?

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I used it on Windows Vista for about a year to play old games, use old apps, and generally dick around. Ultimately, it is not stable enough to use for any kind of productivity work. Applications crash left and right, the whole system will freeze, and you basically have to use trial-and-error to find optimal setups for each piece of software you want to run.

The best thing of course is OS9-compatible PPC hardware. Classic mode on an OSX PowerPC computer is a step below that. Sheepshaver, while the best of the emulators, is still a couple of steps below that.


--- Quote from: Protools5LEGuy on December 16, 2014, 09:56:57 AM ---I wonder if we can "hack" last MacOS ROM to be used instead the one what sheepshaver supports.

On some videos on system profiler it report as a 9500/9600 machine with 100MHz bus and a G4.

Chris, are there out older versions of sheepshaver not universal? I mean, not written to be run on Intells, for OSX PowerPC only. Maybe them are more optimized for G4s on OSX than the last universal one.

On last Sheepshaver Know Issues

--- Quote ---Known issues

- On all hosts:
When you switch from window to full-screen mode using Ctrl-Return before you used the mouse cursor in the emulator at least once, you may loose the cursor. One click on the desktop or pressing the control key suffices to bring back the cursor.

- On PPC machines:
Like previous builds, very CPU hungry. Set refresh rate in SheepShaver Preferences not higher than 30Hz, preferably at 15Hz.
--- End quote ---

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Please keep in mind that I'm still a student and my experience may be full of flaws.

Sheepshaver emulates a generic G4 core. That's generic from the point of view of the ISA. It's not like a 7447 or even a 74XX. One of the many headaches with emulating a chunk of hardware is finding all the instructions in one place. IBM has the ISA available for POWER but it doesn't outline the entirety of the systems in their retail form. PAPR and CHRP are mildly well documented but it doesn't identify the various packages that Motorola added to the core processor or even the final development of ANY retail logic board. The obvious omission in Sheepshaver is the Memory Management Unit. In fact this is one of the most difficult items to emulate in software. Ask the creator of Einstein. And HE'S trying to emulate an ARM on an ARM! Getting anything higher than OS 9.1 is just not going to work. Those require processors with an MMU.

Some emulators that are based in hardware (see the Big Mess O' Wires) have a little better luck. My personal opinion is that with progression in the FPGA field, improvements in software that is fully aware of system hardware, and the clever genome style of writing that a computer can perform on itself...we may be a lot closer to replacing large chunks of these specific machines with an FPGA than we will ever be with consumer grade processors.

One day I believe the world will realize the PowerPC was the better track and we will start to see it flourish again. Maybe at that time, we can see better emulation of full operating systems. I think the best bet would be to wait the 20 years for OS 9 to become abandoned and start developing it in a parallel track to fit on modern hardware (PowerPC preferred of course ;-)

I first tried SheepShaver last week when my MDD G4 wouldn't boot. I wanted to analyze some audio files with a NRT program I have, and after searching and not finding anything which would do it the same way on a modern system, I figured that it might take me less time to do it on my main OSX-Linux box.

Setup isn't too bad. It's easy if one already has Mac ROMs and OS on hand. The overhead is pretty huge on my i7 box - about 10% CPU idle to 50-100% when handling any user interaction. I doubt if it will be suitable for serious work/play, but it's handy enough if I need to quickly run an OS 9 utility and not want to set up one of my systems to do it (I don't have much room).

As for Chris' remarks above about it being useless for MIDI and audio - on MacOS it does audio straight away, but obviously not "pro audio". I did a few quick edits of 24-bit 48kHz sounds and it played fine through CoreAudio. The main problem with MIDI (besides that it would have horrendous timing) is that the project handles USB I/O by converting it all to ADB. And they assume that nearly all prospective MIDI users would be trying to use it with a USB interface. Fact is though that SheepShaver does have some vestigial serial I/O. BUT nobody has tried using it in recent memory. This part of the code has scarcely been maintained. Did it ever work? Does it now? If/when I can be arsed to try, I might hook up something relatively simple, like a printer or terminal and see if those work. Another more flexible option might be to code some sort of bridge, an abstraction layer which could appear as an OMS driver in the emulation, and act as a go-between with CoreMIDI. I wouldn't want to need to do anything tight with that setup, but it might be a workaround for SoundDiver, sample dumps, and such.

Also, I did have one program refuse to run because its copy protection didn't like how SheepShaver virtualizes HFS drives. That was Acousmographe 1.2, which complained that it needs to be installed to either a SCSI or IDE drive and finds neither. But to be fair, the program is a crap Windows port which runs poorly in the best case anyway.

To be honest from past testing.  The Windows version of Sheepshaver while not difficult to setup.  It was the most unstable thing I ever used.

I thought Basilisk II was unreliable but Sheepshaver was worse.  Nine times out of ten it would hang or freeze.  Eventually the hard drive file would end up so corrupted it was not worth the hassle.

So unless it's suddenly been updated and improved I would avoid it like the plague.


--- Quote from: MacTron on March 29, 2014, 09:44:59 AM ---My opinion in short: even a cheap real mac is way better than this...
I also tried out mini vmac on android... it is just a toy like sheepshaver...

--- End quote ---

Pure true and wise words. Real gear IS always better than emulators, except FM7 & Pro53.  Same for real Atari hardware

Wavestation lacks multitimbral option...


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