It sure is nice to know that someone at this excellent forum has the same type of machine.
$30.oo ( US $$$ ) ?
canadian $$ im from Toronto Ontario Canada (GTA, Greater Toronto Area)
tomorrow.. i will pick up a blue&white g3 revision 2 450mhz for $25! ive always wanted this best model blue&white g3
this will be a collectors item that keep i think..
its got a radeon 7000 pci video
1gb ram
and 80gb hard drive
hes also giving me a logitech trackball mouse that matches the g3 colors exactly he said..
i will see;)
more importantly i will be able to test this 66mhz slot with my sata card! to see if this is even possible
to get above 133mb/s thruput.. if it is i can run a g3 powermac with a 60gb sata + get some wickid disk speeds;)
i had the most strange fight with a pentium 4 asus motherboard today..
but in the end i won;) and its now running ubuntu;)
and it finally stopped freezing. i thought the motherboard + cpu were garbage i was ready to throw
it away. i think it was a bad ram stick + the wrong type of ata IDE cable that was the cause of my problems the whole time
but on top of that there was a iwerd problem with the usb. it wouldn tboot with a usb mouse plugged in.. only if i removed all usb devices on boot would it start properly.. or if i disabled the usb controller... very strange
the board: Asus P5S800-VM...(january 2006) .. im trying out ubuntu server to see the software "RAID 10" implementation:D
for a better backup fileserver for archivng a 2nd copy of my macos9lives files (to keep these things safe!) raid5 on xp on a pentiumIII was a joke;) lol wayyy too slow.. too much overhead for parity data generation.. maybe a pentium4 3.0ghz will do better with 512mb ram..
eventually i want to have my fileserver on a mac.. with possibly OSX.. so i can do this "combined raid sets" trick to get mirrored stripes ("raid 10") but for now, untill i get the raid cards i need for powermac g4.. this will have to do;)