Mac OS 9 Discussion > Hardware

Dead G4 powermac

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Might actually try the raindance thing. Also might sacrifice a frozen chicken too. Couldn't sacrifice a live one. Gonna take the core card out and give it a clean.

Cleaned the core card, now I have dae error 1 on dsp 1 but on the plus side I now only have dae error 4 on dsp 1 so cleared the problem on dsp 4.

Look if the ribbon cable is damaged. I got some strange errors much like yours when one cable on the ribbon cable was damaged.
If the Core card seems to be bad I might be able to sell you a working card. I might have some over later this week.

I stumbled upon a batch of cards and im not sure if I can put them all to use :)

EDIT: Try running digitest with just the Core card inserted. No Farm cards or the ribbon cable. Do you get the same error?

Only have core card in and still same. Would be awesome if you could. I think my card is dead.


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