Thank you again for the detailed reply.
Continue is handled just like playback start regardless of position, since my device is a pattern based step sequencer it does not make sense to start playback in the middle of a pattern, the complexity of the generated notes is somewhat easy to overview. It's also possible to build songs inside my device but it must be running for a while, always loading up the next pattern automatically, or one can chain manually what pattern comes next, it's a bit like a x0x based drum machine but also has some note tracks.
Basically I want to test how it behaves as slave and also as master, how is the quality of midiclock it outputs and if the timing of note ons is decent enough. From my ears it's good but that's not enough, I need to see it. There are also other things like the need of writing pattern data to flash which can cause a disruption in timing, since for the writing the clock interrupt has to be disabled for a few mS, and I want to find out if this will cause a timing shift in playback. If patterns are saved and only loaded everything works without interruption, just the save process takes more time due to block erasing of the flash chip...
I thought maybe I can slave another sequencer to SVP and slave my device to that sequencer. I have a super odd and rare Brother PDC100 - pro disc composer, that also has a nice internal click sound. This thing is from a different planet and precise like a sewing machine. For the timing drift I could align that click with my sequencer notes and check how it turns out. The notes that my sequencer plays I can record back into SVP, at a later stage.
I already tried using my device as master with SVP but it was too jittery in the higher BPM ranges. My device is capable of running at up to 1000 BPM with optional clock divider for the output - but of course it only runs on a cheap pro mini 328p with 8Mhz resonator, so the BPM even at 120 are minimum 0,5 BPM off. Opposed to that the jitter is very low, even lower than "native" SVP midi beat clock. I also was a bit scared of midi baudrate deviations which can be maximum 1%, but until now none of my devices had communication issues with this project sequencer.
I don't know if I should post this, but I do it now so that you see what this is about. This is not a complete demo, many functions are not shown, it's just "composing in standalone without a midi controller". And it's all improvised, nothing was prepared, and I am not really proud of it. Planning to do better, full, videos at a later point. mind, this is a low cost design on purpose, all the needed parts can be had for well below ~40$.
(Omg, now I went off topic too! Hope that's acceptable... I am not trying to advertise anything here, it is not for sale yet, it's all open source...)
If Gibson wouldn't have bought Opcode... Who knows what would have happened