Mac OS 9 Discussion > Software

Living in my old world now


Hello everyone,

The installation of 9.2.2 on my MacMini G4 went well.

I started sorting the floppy disks and CD ROMs where my documents were saved 20 years ago on
: Apple IICX (maybe 7.5.5), Performa 6320 and 6400/200.

I drag and drop MicrosoftWorks 4 I have on my old CR-Rom, to the MacMini (9.2.2). I can open it but it stop with message "OLE is missing".

Maybe MicrosoftWorks 4 runs only with os 9.1 ?

Is it a memory issue ? I made 4 low resolution screen copies here

Thanks in advance for your help.



Have you tried installing it from the installer files on MacintoshGarden? Dragging and dropping may be missing out a file?

when i am interpreting the foreignish message right, OLE is not missing but cant be opened because of not enough memory.

since it is a system 7.0 app, you would generally operate it more safely by adding about 10-15% more RAM to it in the command-i window. try this first, many of these older 7.0 apps require that under 8.1+ or 9.x

I wanted to keep the French edition of MSWorks 4 by doing a drag and drop from my CD-Rom, but that was a mistake.

As Jacques said, I did a new installation from the .sit US file (macintoshrepository) and now I can open the software and all my documents !

Same for Page maker

I'm very happy  :)

Curiously, drag and drop worked with Word 5.1


About memory, I will do that, thanks IIO


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