Mac OS 9 Discussion > Emulation
UTM Update
There's a new version of UTM available: 4.5.4 with a few bug fixes and more localizations. For the time being I won't update, I'm not sure the developers care about customized VMs made by randoms users, especially for systems they no longer support (like MacOS9 since they removed the config+image they once provided).
Setting up a rather functional VM took me a few weeks and I don't want to take the risk and lose everything. I shoudn't have given them those 10 bucks at the Apple Store, now I'm going to have that red dot reminder all the time ... and be extra careful not to click "update all" when there are updates available for other apps :( :-\ :sweat:
I checked, everything works.
They may have removed the template from Mac OS 9 because it doesn't work on iOS/iPadOS to minimize negative feedback and support requests.
P.S. use time machine on Mac to be able to restore any files and applications after updates.
Usually, home routers allow you to organize a simple server, you just need to connect the disk and switch the toggle switch in the settings.
Okay, first I saved the main disk to an .img, just in case and also because it might be useful when there is a better emulator or when/if I decide to make a proper Qemu install.
Then, used Time Machine and right after I updated UTM. Seems to be all good. Thanks !
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