Mac OS 9 Discussion > Hardware

Xserve PPC 1.3 DP


I have received two of these.  I am going to attempt the installation of OS 9 as mentioned elsewhere.  However, both of these immediately eject any cd I put in it.  Even when the hardware lock is off.  I think it might be disabled in the EFI.  Or is there a switch somewhere that does this.  CD goes in, spins up, immediately spins down and ejects.  Multiple CDs, all original mac CDs.  [This happens before and after boot - so I don't think it's an OS setting unless it affects NVRAM or something - the USB lock is also off]

Thanks in advance for any help.  Want to recycle these with OS 9 and put in server closet.

I executed this in UEFI:


Whatever it was that disabled the CD is now fixed.  Wish me luck on getting OS 9 running on them!

in case you want to actually use your computer: unplug this processor and put it into a dual processor MDD desktop to make it better.


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