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Purging of "Lurkers" (zero post users)


We have a huge number of users in the "Lurkers" category. Users who have signed up but never made a single post here. 98% of these joined before we had any type of SPAM user protection, so we can most certainly say that the vast majority of these are bots and other types of evil doers.
As a measure to secure the forum from potential bot spam and crawling of login-only data, I want to purge the users within this user group.
I now urge you, fellow "Lurker" who are not a bot, to make your first post on this forum so your account wont be removed. Introduce yourself in the New Member Welcome board or write something fun in Off Topic. Doing this will put you in the "1 MB" post group and your account wont be removed.
I will give this a month or so before starting the clean-out.


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