Mac OS 9 Discussion > Emulation

Firewall on a VM ?



I found that link on Macintosh Garden

does it make sense to have this on an OS9 VM (UTM or Sheepshaver) since I have a modern version on the host (Sonoma).
I guess it can be useful only with real hardware (G3, G4...) but maybe I'm wrong..


NB: Anti-Virus is useful for sure. I scanned all my VMs (UTM, Sheepshaver) with Virus Barrier and though no virus was found, the app marked a file as 'corrupted'. Explains why I could no longer use a specific app...I changed the file = OK

If you assigned a white Internet address, then yes, probably a firewall would be necessary, although I am sure that all popular malicious applications will not be able to run on OS9.

Probably a firewall or antivirus today on OS9 makes sense to use only as a toy for an enthusiast.

I didn't know about such software, and now I'll probably try it.


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