Mac OS 9 Discussion > Hardware

Airport Extreme PCI card


Anybody tried one of these? They claim 802.11g in pretty much any PowerMac with a PCI slot for 12 bucks.

Why waste a rare pci slot

I have this card, but it only works in OS X.
I checked it on MDD (OS X Tiger), it seems to work stably.
For the card to work, the AirPort Express card must be unplugged of a special slot.

Anyway, I couldn't make it work in OS 9.

If you need Wi-Fi on Mac OS 9 on older Macs, such as the Power Macintosh 9600, you can use a Cisco AirPci 340 or 350 card.
I have 2 such cards, it work great on 9600 and B&W.

i don´t think .11g / airport xtreme will work in OS9, but i can´t remember the exact reason.

thirdparty .11b should work without limits (but then makes it more difficult to connect to higher networks with more modern encryption.)

their advertising is interesting; they talk about "MAC OS" - and then list that specifically "OSX" required a driver.

for "b" there are also USB solutions, but i have no idea if those will work on a PCI-USB in an oldworld mac.


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