Digital Audio Workstation & MIDI > Logic Audio by Emagic
Logic 4.8.1 Disk is too slow
Hello everyone.
Please i ask you. I am Japanese. My English is very poor.
I using Logic Platinum 4.8.1 on OS 9.2.2. I use 3 stereo track only but show disk is too slow or system overload. I setting audio hardware window and setting I/O buffer size 1 and 16 busses and universal track mode checked on audiowerk 2.
Where I mistake it? Please tell me.
OS9 400mhz
--- Quote ---I/O buffer size 1 and 16 busses and universal track mode checked on audiowerk 2.
--- End quote ---
i am not a user of logic.
do i understand right: you use a very small disk buffer size of 1? this could be the problem, try the biggest setting for this.
Thank you. changed buffer size 1 to .125. But disk is too slow showing. System memory requirement is 23.2 mb. Put in software monitoring.
"There will be some latency when monitoring through the computer during recording and, as ever, the longer the buffer size you set up, the longer the latency. However, trying to work with too small a buffer size in an attempt to reduce latency can lead to glitches in the audio, though there's a monitoring speed setting you can adjust too. My own preference is to forgo the luxury of monitoring via software effects and use a conventional mixer to monitor the input being recorded. After all, any audible latency is unacceptable for musical applications."
"If you want to use this card just for its SP/dif: no problem. Used it on many different pc's without any installation troubles, only prg's like wavelab or fruity loops needed a little buffer-tweaking, that's all. The analog I/O's are not bad, better than most budget stuff like creative crap etc. but not really high-end.
The real problem comes when you want to use softsynths in Logic (never tried in cubase). The mme driver doesn't come below 75 MS, the Asio driver reaches 7,5 ms to play an instrument, fair enough; but every time you want to mixdown a track you'll need to go back to a sad 88ms to keep it crack-free..."
Please provide some additional details about your situation. It would be helpful to know more specific information about your environment.
1. Are you using any plugins on the audio channels you are recording into Logic?
2. Is the computer operating properly for other uses? Has the disk been checked for any hardware problems?
3. How much RAM is in the computer? Have you increased the amount of RAM allocated to Logic? Is Virtual Memory enabled in the Memory control panel?
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