Mac OS 9 Discussion > Emulation

UTM: MacOS9 guest, MacOSX Host - File Transfer

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Maybe that was obvious for experienced users but here's a rather neat solution for beginners like me.

As you know, running MacOS9.2.1 (other 9xx = same) on UTM means no Shared Folder, no USB, no Copy & Paste. So what about file transfer? I've tried many things and finally made it.

1) In UTM: go to modify (right click on your VM), go to add disk, create a new Raw image, select the size you want (I chose just 1Go because I'll just need to transfer pics, mp3s and a few .sits). Save the new settings

2) Start the VM. In MacOS9, open Drive Setup, you'll see a 'not initialized' disc in the list. Initialize it (no options, just use the default setting), it will mount once the formatting is done (a few seconds). Name it: Transfer, Share or whatever.  Shut down MacOS9, leave the UTM app

3) Open the package of your UTM MacOS9 VM, you'll see one or more q2cow disks (depending on your install), DON'T TOUCH THEM, and ONE .img disk (with quite a lot of numbers preceding the extension). That's your transfer disk. Make an alias, move it to wherever it suits you.

4) Double click the shortcut/alias and the disk will mount. Fill it with whatever files you need. UNMOUNT.

5) Open your VM in UTM: you'll have your files in your Transfer/Share disk on MacOS9.

VERY IMPORTANT: DON'T MOUNT THAT .IMG DISK WHILE IT IS IN USE IN UTM.  DON'T START YOUR UTM MACHINE IF THAT DISK IS MOUNTED IN MACOSX. I've found that warning on the E-maculation forums. It might/will lead to file corruption.

Now, I have a fully operating MacOS 9.2.1 VM on my Macbook Air (M3 chip, Sonoma)

the newbie experience continues...

latest discoveries

1) as expected I got the infamous "invalid B-Tree error" with the Transfer disk. Well, as long as this disk is only used for swapping files like pics, a few audio files and .sits, I think it's ok. That disk does not contain any system or apps. That error (which neither disk aid nor disk warrior can repair) occurs whenever you open an .img in OSX and then use it with OS9. I've been living with such a corrupted disk (and it had a full system + many apps) on Sheepshaver for years and nothing bad ever happened.

2) the existence of that special transfer .img disk within the VM causes issues with the boot sequence in UTM/Qemu. If I want to boot from another Qcow2  disk (in UTM you can modify the start disk by simply moving it up to position 1) => error, and Qemu quits. The only way is to delete that .img and then it's fine. Complete mystery to me but ...
- However, if I can boot then from any Qcow2 disk, some .iso don't work, UTM gets stuck with that yellow window with lines of code...(like the disk warrior .iso for instance).

I make regular backups of the entire UTM VM machine, saving the latest before I experiment something new. Trials and errors.

When I'm bored with successive failures, I'd go with proper Qemu install (without UTM), terminal commands etc... for the moment I'm too lazy/impatient for that.

Otherwise, it's fun so far. I can use MacOS 9.2.1 full screen, surf a bit on what is available (some http with iCab or Classilia, Gopher, Hotline...) and use big apps like Photoshop 7.

newbie experience continues part 2...

now exploring old corners of the internet via MacOS9
- Newsgroups with MT-News Watcher
- BBS with MacTelnet
- Gopher with Turbogopher and Classilia... it's more fun with Turbogopher (feeling like riding a time machine)

My VM is stable, the experience with UTM + MacOS9.2.1 is way more satisfying than it has been with any of my Sheepshaver vms...

The virtual disk seems in good condition according to some OS9 tools:
- fragmentation: light, 0,1% (Norton Speed Disk)
- DiskWarrior graph: 30% files out of order (well, I've had up to 60 on Sheepshaver)
- Freespace: 65%

I set the memory to 768Mo, is it worth setting it at 1024Mo, will it make a difference?

newbie experience continues part 3...

- big issue with MacTelnet today. The VM totally froze, force quit didn't work  :-\ Had to stop the VM => corruption => VM unusable. Hopefully I make regular backups of the whole thing before I install some new software or play/tinker with net protocols I'm not familiar with.

- felt better and safer on the hotline side: tried Pitbull Pro but didn't like the interface that much...Hotstuff was better but I was very pleased with Panorama. Will keep the Hotline Standard Client and Panorama.

- Regarding BBS surfing, I think I'll dump MacTelnet and try the preconfigured version of BlackKnight...

newbie experience continues part 4...
(MacOS 9.2.1 with UTM on MacOSX Sonoma 14.6.1)

- Newsgroups: fine with MT-News Watcher with and (many groups there but most are dead)

- Hotline: ok with Hotline PPC client and Panorama

- KDX: no way, been asked to configure a UPnP connection manually. Even if that's possible with a 4GBox (which I doubt) this is beyond my skills.

- BBS: still trying but quite unsuccessful. so far. I've tried AppleFritter with the password they provided but the connection timed out each time (several attempts). I also tried Black Night (including the preconfigured version from MacIntosh Garden): all I get is a terminal window, looks like it connects but what's next? Maybe I still have to find out how it works and use it properly !!?? MacTelnet: connects but slow, buggy, ugly and makes the VM unstable (had to dump it twice)


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