Mac OS 9 Discussion > Emulation

Reading floppy discs via UTM


I'm running UTM on a MBPro M1. I installed a Mac OS 9.2 VM on it. I have an external USB floppy drive and some 1.4Mb floppies I need files off. The floppy drive is visible and works in an Ubuntu VM. Of course Ubuntu can't read the old Filemaker Pro and Aldus Pagemaker files...  I cannot get the Mac 9.2 VM to open the floppy discs. I don't think it can even see the drive. Any help appreciated.


I'm new to UTM (and was a MacOS9 user many years ago).

If I were you here's what I'll do:

- in your Ubuntu VM copy all the files you need in a folder and compress that folder (.zip, .sit...whatever format that Stuffit Deluxe can deal with). Then save that compressed file to your hard  drive on MacOSX.

- Open the UTM app, right click on the OS9 machine to modify. Create a raw image like 500mb or 1Gb (or more) that will be used for "transfers". Save the new settings.

- Start the OS9 VM. Launch Disk Setup. You'll see your disk listed as "non initialized". Initialize, it'll mount right away. Name it if you want. Shutdown the VM and quit UTM

- Open your VM package (access in ...user/library), you'll see an .img disk/file in 'data'. Make an alias and place it where you want for future access. Click and transfer your compressed folder in the mounted image. Then UNMOUNT.

- Open UTM, start the OS9 machine and you'll see your compressed folder in the 'transfer' disk.

This way you'll be able to use that disk for future transfers.

IMPORTANT: never mount that disk on OSX when you're using UTM. Same: make sure you unmount before starting your OS9 VM. Also, just use it for file transfer, don't put a system or apps in it. Once you open an .img disk on OSX its structure will be modified and on MacOS9, if you check with Disk First Aid, you'll see an invalid B-Tree 0 0 error...


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