This is an easy mod. 1.0ghz/167mhz is a huge benefit in OS9. I've done it on two 867's. Regarding fans... Scrap and kiss good-bye to that power connector to the MOBO, as it's that which causes the awful RF in the builtin audio and the whole wind-tunnel problem. I run just one fan atop the heatsink at 7 volts directly from the drive source (+5 & +12 = 7 volts), and the power supply has one of the fans removed for better air flow. No other fans. No need to use a soldering iron. You can snip the resisters off, which pulverizes the resisters, but who cares? The resisters for the 133 and 167 busses are reversed on Macbidule's translated page. You need to remove, not add, one to get a 167 bus. This was a French > English translation mistake. To go from 867/133 to 1000/167 you need only remove resistors.