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This was a good read. :) Thanks for writing this. As a non-DTP guy, I found this very educational and powerful.

--- Quote from: aBc on June 05, 2024, 07:23:34 PM ---How could anyone ever have existed before without a second attached monitor for tool palettes?
--- End quote ---

Something like QuickWindow 2.1.2 to cycle back and forth with the many windows? :)


--- Quote from: Jubadub on June 05, 2024, 10:31:07 PM ---This was a good read. :) Thanks for writing this. As a non-DTP guy, I found this very educational and powerful.

--- End quote ---

Same here, as I noted before, I found this very educational and inspirational as well. Well done, good job!

forumcredibility increased -> check
forcing IBM to create e600 compatibility at Power 9 -> pending
forcing Apple to release Mac OS 9 as Open Source -> planning phase


--- Quote from: aBc on June 05, 2024, 07:23:34 PM ---How could anyone ever have existed before
without a second attached monitor for tool palettes?

--- End quote ---
I never got used to this palett monitors. Tried it hard, and of course it made something possible in the past, but with the first 21" monitor I gave up, Sometimes I am using my old Eizo FlexScan S1931 as portrait monitor to get better impressions about pages before printing them or to read really long texts online.


--- Quote from: Mat on June 06, 2024, 12:12:21 PM ---
--- Quote from: aBc on June 05, 2024, 07:23:34 PM ---How could anyone ever have existed before
without a second attached monitor for tool palettes?

--- End quote ---
I never got used to this palett monitors. Tried it hard, and of course it made something possible in the past

--- End quote ---

For me, it became oh so easy... simply mousing extreme right to choose another tool
without adding any additional keystrokes or the "flash" of another window opening
to toggle back and forth between different screens. Saved time & keystrokes.

And my eyes! ;)

Also... with my head moving back and forth between the monitors (normally 3-4 feet apart)
I had to move my head slightly and change focus a little (which is better than that fixed
focus normally frowned upon by extended use) for "our" eyes. 8)


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