Mac OS 9 Discussion > Video Cards, Monitors & Displays

Radeon 9250 working on MacOS 7.6.1

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I was jealous of the MacOS 9 users having access to the Radeon 9250, and love an excuse to do something silly and educational. So, I hacked up Radeon 9250 drivers that work on 7.6.1!

My 9250 test card is fussy about DVI at higher resolutions (even more than my Mac Mini) which is a pity because System 7 at 3440x1440 looks really cool.

Which extensions and drivers did you change? A bit more information could be useful to others. Thanks!

Full steps to reproduce the modifications are included in the download. The gist of it is similar to what Bolle did for the 9250 in MacOS 9: binary edits to put the appropriate PCI ID in the right places.

ATI Resource Manager was the real trick for pre-OS9 compatibility: later versions crash at startup, but fortunately the last MacOS 7.6-compatible version seems to have shipped with undocumented support for the Radeon 8500 :-D


--- Quote from: meow_mx on May 12, 2024, 08:06:13 PM ---ATI Resource Manager was the real trick for pre-OS9 compatibility: later versions crash at startup, but fortunately the last MacOS 7.6-compatible version seems to have shipped with undocumented support for the Radeon 8500 :-D

--- End quote ---

That's an interesting detail. I'm trying to tackle the latest ATI ndrv problem with "silent upgrade" Mini in the other thread and I also concluded that ATI Resource Manager could be responsible for hangs at startup.

Wow!!! Great addition! Make sure to post about it at System 7 Today as well! :)
Need to dig out a 9250 and test it on my 8600.

I see that you already did ;)


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