Mac OS 9 Discussion > Video Cards, Monitors & Displays
Issues with GeForce 4MX - iMac G4 - M6498 (EMC 1956)
adding banner to the nvramrc script stops the normal boot from doing probe-all install-console banner.
If you were using serial port instead of a non-built-in PCI graphics card for the input/output-device, then you could do install-console first, then add some logging like this:
--- Code: ---install-console
dev / ls device-end
." [ probe-all"
." ] probe-all"
dev / ls device-end
." [ banner"
." ] banner"
--- End code ---
The example above will list the devices before and after probe-all
If you're stuck using the screen for input/output, then maybe this will work:
--- Code: ---dev / ls device-end
." [ probe-all"
." ] probe-all"
dev / ls device-end
." [ banner"
." ] banner"
--- End code ---
The logging that happens before install-console is buffered until the console is installed, then the buffered logging is output.
If it doesn't like buffering all that logging, then remove it.
--- Code: ---probe-all
dev / ls device-end
." [ banner"
." ] banner"
--- End code ---
Basically, you can log each of your commands so that you can find out which one is causing the messages.
You can use one of these commands to view the built-in Open Firmware boot log:
--- Code: ---.time-stamps
--- End code ---
Thanks joevt, I've tried both non-serial methods. After running the following it lists out the entire device tree (it ends at the same device as it would if I just ran ` dev / ls`), then begins the `probe-all` command which results in the same "can't OPEN device" error.
--- Code: ---dev / ls device-end
." [ probe-all"
." ] probe-all"
dev / ls device-end
." [ banner"
." ] banner"
--- End code ---
.time-stamps and .time-stamps\ don't work for me, it returns ".time-stamps, unknown word"
I think .time-stamps is hidden in some Open Firmware versions. Two options:
1) setenv fcode-debug? true then restart
2) false to check-visible then try the .time-stamps command again.
Probably the first is preferable since you only have to do it once (unless you zap the pram).
probe-all does the following:
I suppose you can try probe-pci instead of probe-all. In that case, maybe remove banner so that the normal boot process will do probe-all. It should be smart enough not to repeat the probe-pci part again but I'm not sure.
In either case, you may want to use a catch so that if it fails, the rest of the nvramrc script is executed.
['] probe-pci catch if ." exception:" . . cr then
I managed to get my changes persisting, and narrowed down the `probe-all` issue to the Ethernet device failing to be opened in the `finish-device-tree` step. This happens on all of the G4 machines that I tested.
I've spent a lot of time on this today and unfortunately spoofing the older chipset didn't result in any success. I wasn't expecting this to work but it was worth a try.
Thanks so much for all the help joevt, I've learned a lot from this thread.
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