Mac OS 9 Discussion > Development & Programming

MacPython basics - how to use input command?


Got the chance to do some training, and thought I'd have a look at Python.
Using MacPython 2.2.3, but got stuck in the first lesson. Where am I going wrong?

'name = input("What is your name?\n")'

When I run this it requests my input. So I enter ovalking and it responds with:

'NameError : name ovalking is not defined'

In Sinclair Basic alfanumeric strings end with the dólar símbol. And numeric dont have it.

No idea if you need to define Class or something similar.

Good luck

Hi ovalking,

If you reproduced the line as-is, the single-quotes should be removed. This will make the line assign the input string into a variable.
If your script does not have the outer single-quotes, then I would suggest you check the Python 2.2.3 documentation as the inout method then may have some oddities more recent versions of Python straightened out.


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