Mac OS 9 Discussion > Development & Programming

PEF Explorer - does anyone still have it?

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I'm fussing a bit with later (R200-compatible) ATI drivers on System 7.6.1, and the primary obstacle seems to be that the ATI Resource Manger 3.0.8+ for those cards fails to resolve some important symbol at load time.

It looks like PEF Explorer would be a good help in understanding what the 3.0.8+ versions of ATI Resource Manager want that 3.0.5 doesn't. I've seen the tool referenced in a few old posts but no luck at all finding a copy of it.

Anybody got it?

I don't think I have PEF Explorer.

You could use the DumpPEF command from MPW.

You can run MPW on modern macOS using

I have ATI Resource Manager 2.7.3, 3.1.4, 3.2, and 3.2.1 on my hackintosh. I've attached some dumps.

Ahem.. what about IDA?  ;)

searched it, but it is not in my archives either. by @Daniel

I read the docs for the PEF container, and realized I could "parse" the import lists for a given fragment by eyeballing it in a hex dump and doing a bunch of regular expression surgery in vi :-D


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