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Author Topic: DiskCopy 6.5 breaks .img files into 1Gb chunks. How to use them in Basilisk?  (Read 2480 times)


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As per the title, when making a disk image from a folder (say 32GB) with DiskCopy 6.5 b13 on MacOS 9.2.2 using a PowerBook Pismo, it breaks it into 1GB chunks, named: .001, .002, etc.

If the final target use is a disk image that Basilisk/Sheepshaver can use, what's the process to get it into a format those emulators can read? (assuming the target emulator environment is OS 8.6 or 9.2.2)

FYI, all drives on the system are MacOS Extended format.



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is there a specific reason why you break it into parts?
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It's not me, it's DiskCopy that's doing it!  I want it to be one file...

There doesn't appear to be any option to stop it from breaking it into parts.  Clearly, it has something to do with a 1GB "limit", but even that is arbitrary since HFS+ can handle file sizes far beyond that.


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that can probably be set in the preferences somewhere which format is default, similar to stuffit.

when i create a 10 GB image here it ends up as 1 file - and not 10,000.

a working alternative which also creates "real" HFS volume images and is compatible with DC, is toast 4 / toast 5.
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There's no preference that I could find...  Also, a 10GB file would be 10 parts, not 10,000!  ;)

Are you sure you're talking about GIGA bytes, not MEGA bytes?  Files of the Mac OS 9 era are relatively tiny and the concept of moving around multi-gigabyte images would be completely foreign to that era.


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i think it is completely normal, i do it regulary.

no idea why your app does this or how you can reach that by some settings, but maybe you should try trashing the prefs files manually.

for me 6.3.3 and 6.5 beta both work identically and allow any size.
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OK, I gave-up on Diskcopy since both versions split the images... 

That said, I made a "fake" 40 GB Dual-Layer BluRay image with Toast, using Mac OS 10, and moved it across to the PC with a USB stick formatted to exFAT (you can't use NTFS or FAT32).    SheepShaver saw and mounted the volume perfectly!  I assumed that Mac OS 9.2 can't see exFAT volumes, so I didn't bother trying on that platform.

I'm not super-familiar with Toast, so maybe you don't need to bother picking a "target" format that will fit your volume size, not sure, but it works in any case.


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yep, get into toast, it is worth it, toast can replace disc copy completely (it did it here for 25 years.) (including bigger-than-BD, btw.)

when i am not mistaken OS9 can only read and mount exFAT up to 32 gb when attached via USB, but it is no problem to create bigger image files.

if you ever find out why your DC went havoc, let us know :)
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I am 100% sure it's user error.
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