Hey all,
I have a very unusual issue with my PowerBook G3. It's a PDQ/300 with 512MB of RAM and a 128GB SSD. The system worked fine for a very long time, installed everything fine, was able to shutdown on command. After a system crash yesterday, whenever I boot up the mac and following the "your computer crashed..." disk check, the OS boots as normal, restoring all my windows the way they were before the crash, and all my files seem to be there, and can be opened just fine.
I proceeded to close these windows, delete a few files, and tried to restart. Nothing happened. So I pulled the plug.
When it rebooted, everything was still there, the same as it was before the crash! The files I deleted from the desktop had returned, all my closed windows were re-opened exactly as they were before. This time I tried to "shutdown" instead of restart...same problem, no response. I let it sit for over an hour and it was simply my desktop screen with nothing clickable. I pulled the plug again to hard reboot.
After I restarted, it was all back again, the deleted files, the windows, everything. I tried a few more things:
- restarting with extensions off, still no ability to reboot/shutdown, still reboots to the same snapshot of the OS as before the crash
- restarting not from the HDD but from a restore disk. The installer loads up, as does the drive, but again I can't reboot/shutdown, and rebooting again with no disk takes me to the same spot
- restarting and rebuilding the desktop file killed the pictures on my icons, briefly. I say briefly, because it still wouldn't power down, and a hard reboot brought back my old desktop, old windows, old files, same as it was before
- I tried re-installing the OS, which threw me an error the 1st time and the 2nd time it appeared to reinstall properly. Much to my dismay, it hung on the reboot attempt, and upon reboot, everything was once again as it was before.
- I pulled the hard drive and replaced it with a different one. I attempted to reinstall the OS, and everything went smoothly this time, the install completed perfectly, according to the installer, and the system actually rebooted! Only when I rebooted after the install, I get the "?" icon, as it doesn't seem to think I have an HDD installed.
- I put the old HDD back in, and just like "Groundhog Day", the disk was recognized and everything loaded exactly as if before: all my deleted files were there on the desktop, all my windows opened.
- I reset the PRAM (holding fn+ctrl+shift+power for 5 seconds). The only different thing rebooting now was that the time was messed up, but otherwise, everything else remained unchanged.
I'm perplexed as to what could be causing this and am not sure what to check next to break the "Groundhog Day" cycle. It could be an issue with the SSD/HDD, except that the system appears to read the old SSD fine but doesn't read new HDDs. It might be a RAM issue, where it somehow reads properly but refuses to write to disk, but I'm not sure how that would also cause the system to never want to shutdown, unless a shutdown command somehow requires writing something to the disk?
If anyone has any ideas on this or has experienced similar issues, please let me know!