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Author Topic: IBook G3 and Imac G3 crashing while using MIDI applications  (Read 1927 times)


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IBook G3 and Imac G3 crashing while using MIDI applications
« on: February 27, 2023, 06:20:15 AM »

Hi everyone,

I'm not a regular user of forums in general, so please tell me if this question is in the wrong place.

I'm experiencing freezing and software crashes, while running two Cycling '74 MIDI applications on a 700 MHz iBook G3, and a slot loading 400 MHz Imac G3. MIDI is being sent and received using an AMT8, and all is running on OS 9.2.2

The applications used are: Cycling 74's MAX 4.1, and "M"  2.5.5.
I know these issues could be related to M, as it is a ported version of the previous 68k mac version, and it has some strange behaviour at times, but before just giving up on the application's reliability, I wanted to rule out all other possibilities for the problems to occur.

Also I considered that these crashes are just kind of part of using OS 9.2.2 in general, but I wanted to make sure that's the case before assuming it.. Do any of you guys use a similar "lightweight" setup, possibly only for MIDI, and then encountered and resolved the issues?

Most of the work I do happens in my studio, and while a crash is super annoying, it usually doesn't set me back too much. But this all completely changes when bringing an older G3 mac on stage, where crashes would be a total disaster. I've been performing a couple of shows with this setup already and I've been lucky so far, but the risk of a crash is way too high to fully trust on this setup as it is.

I would love to hear any of your experiences and if there are workarounds to make using MIDI as solid and reliable as possible.

Thanks a lot!

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