Miracle just happened!!!!!!!!!!! MacTron is
God like.........
Read This Carefully... This is why it's important to save every update like I have
Tested & confirmed working! So here is what to do to make sure you have all the support files:1) Install version SoundDiver 3.0.0 CD.img from my archive
2) Run the SoundDiver 3.0.4 Update from my archive
Take a deep breath, bliss is just moments away:At this point you should have a folder on the top level of your Hard Drive named SoundDiver 3.0 ƒ
with version 3.0.0 & 3.0.4 inside it with all Docs and support files
3) Copy over SoundDiver 3.01 & SoundDiver 3.0.1 Authorizer from MacTron's post
into your SoundDiver 3.0 ƒ on the Hard Drive.
4) Launch MacTron' SoundDiver 3.0.1 Authorizer and when it asks, locate MacTron's SoundDiver 3.01 file
that you previously copied over to your SoundDiver 3.0 ƒ. The Authorizer will patch MacTron's original file
creating a new version call "SoundDiver 3.0 Authorizer" that can authorize your Hard Drive.
5) Launch your Newly created app "SoundDiver 3.0 Authorizer" and when it first boots it will ask you to Authorize your Hard Drive Hit the authorized button and SoundDiver will launch.
6) Now that your Hard Drive is authorized you can run the later version SoundDiver 3.0.4
7) We even have version 3.0.5 Beta that you can run but you will have to manually update your SoundDiver 3.0 ƒ
by dragging over the updated files. Keep version 3.0.4 in case 3.0.5 is whacky
Note 1:In step 4) you might have noticed that your newly created patched version is named "SoundDiver 3.0 Authorizer" not 3.01
This is why MacTron's original post did not work. This patch needs an original 3.01 version to work but the name is labeled 3.0
And of course unlucky us that particular version happens to be missing from my archive. But MacTron saved the day... Thank you
Note 2:There is one more missing file from the archive and that is SoundDiver
it had updated adaption files for some instruments. Out on the internet it was called
sd3051.sitWow!SoundDiver for OS9 was lost & buried but together MacOS9Lives resurrected it.
Nice Job Gentlemen
Ooh and one more thing:Before Emagic moved to the XSKey they used these copy-protected CD's that were a pain in the Ass!
This also was the same for EXS-24, EVP-88 ect.......
Every blue moon the Application would ask for you to insert the CD just to make sure that you are the owner.
So you may have to repeat this whole authorizing process once in a while.