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Author Topic: Unstable system 888 intermittently not syncing with core card  (Read 3053 times)


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Unstable system 888 intermittently not syncing with core card
« on: August 09, 2020, 08:48:37 AM »

Hi all. I have a TDM Mix plus,plus that only locks to the 888 about 30% of the time. I have gone through multiple digi link cables as well as a number of 888’s and 882’s. I have found these cables (or the connectors inside the 888’s) to be notoriously finicky and I must have the cable connected In EXACTLY the right spot on the back of the 888 or the system doesn’t recognize the interface. At this point I feel confident that it’s a pin connection issue and am simply looking for someone that is familiar with this issue and or someone that I can send my hardware and cable to to fix the problem. I would gladly buy another cable and or 888 to remedy the problem but that is such a mixed bag. Is there anyone that can install a new connector in the back of an 888?  I would be totally ok if the digi link cable was even hardwired. Any help would be amazing. Rick.
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