Digital Audio Workstation & MIDI > Vision & Studio Vision by Opcode
Max ProCussion Editor
Does anyone have the Opcode Max ProCussion editor? It came with the early versions of Max, but apparently wasn't including with the 4.2 version that is posted on the Cycling 74 website.
u sure it was a max patch? they had one for galaxy i think.
Yes because I programmed it. ;)
It was a full editor/librarian, and it was included in the first release of Max from Opcode.
and you lost your own copy? and i always think i am the only person who is able for so much fail.
a full featured editor would be a reason for me to get a procussion again. which was underrated at its time.
I wrote the patch, but I didn't have a Pro/Cussion, so I never used the patch after I had developed it. Also, I had a roommate that stole a lot of my things including synths, motorcycles, welder, etc., and it appears a lot of my floppy disks.
From what I remember it is a full featured editor, with a librarian. And I would expect since Max was updated to run in OS X, and even Ableton Live, the patch should be usable on current systems.
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