Mac OS 9 Discussion > Mac OS 9, Hacks & Upgrades
Boot without the "Mac OS 9 Drivers"
Hi all,
This seems to have flown under the radar on the "Latest hacks" thread. I think that it is a very useful hack.
I have written a script to patch any "Mac OS ROM" file. It adds the ability to boot from an ATA disk that lacks the "Mac OS 9 Drivers". Previously, the ROM would fail to boot with a question-mark-floppy.
Using a ROM with this patch applied, Mac OS 9 can be successfully installed from within Mac OS X, without wiping the hard disk! We should make a MacOS9Lives kit for this purpose.
i´ve noticed that post very well, but i thought it is up to you to decide wether it is filed under "yet another gimmick" or "the next revolution"
have you yet found any application or service which wont work on a disk without drivers?
if you apply this, does it have any negative effect when you use it with a "normal" boot disk, which already contains the driver?
--- Quote from: IIO on August 27, 2019, 03:41:41 AM ---Q:
if you apply this, does it have any negative effect
when you use it with a "normal" boot disk,
which already contains the driver?
--- End quote ---
A: Most likely not... if you already have your Mac submerged in an oil-filled terrarium.
(Sorry, couldn't resist.) ;)
Thanks ELN... interesting possibilities.
An ATA disk without drivers won't be bootable in Mac OS 9. This is why we often reinitialise Mac OS X disks with Drive Setup.
A: This patch has no effect when a driver is already present on the disk. It merely emulates a driver when one is absent.
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